I dont even know what to title this part

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"C'mon Dipper just let me go. I know you like me-"

"No I don't like you I love you~"

"Okay it's time to stop playing around and let me go my parents are probably loosing their minds looking for me."

"I texted them saying my sister and you had a sleep over and right now are shopping"

"Dude you need to chill, at this point I will never reciprocate towards you. Like you practically kidnapped me"

"Oh dear I guess I'll have to keep you here until you learn to love me"

"ARGH. Okay okay if I go on a date with you could you possibly leave me alone for good?"

"Mmm, maybe~"

"Fine then I'll go on a date with you, but first you have to let me go, you know to get ready"

"I'll pass by your house st 6:22"


~Time skip to 6:22 because I'm lazy as fuck~

You were outside on your front porch waiting for Dipper to come by. You know what was weird, most girls liked him yet her decides to choose you as the one he's going to love and you don't feel the same way. This happened to you most of the time, someone had a crush on you and you didn't reciprocate(idk about you guys but this doesn't happen to me XD). And the people you like didn't feel the same. Life is so hard on you. It's already 6:30, it;s so quiet so you put on your headphones and listen to TØP- Guns for Hands (Sorry if you don't like and/ or listen to TØP, if you don't then just insert your own song.)

I know what you think in the morning
When the sun shines on the ground
And shows what you have done
It shows where your mind has gone
And you swearing to your parents
That it will never happen again
I know, I know oh ow, what that means, I know oh oh oh ow

That you all have guns
And you never put the safety on
And you all have plans,
To take it, to take it, don't take it, take it, take it

I'm trying, I'm trying to sleep
I'm trying, I'm trying to sleep
But I can't, but I can't when you all have
Guns for hands yeah

I'm trying, I'm trying to sleep
I'm trying, I'm trying to sleep
But I can't, but I can't when you all have
Guns for hands yeah

Let's take this a second at a time
Let's take this one song, this one rhyme
Together, let's breathe
Together, to the beat
But there's hope out the window
So that's where we'll go
Let's go outside and all join hands
But until then you'll never understand

That you all have guns
And you never put the safety on
And you all have plans
To take it, to take it, don't take it, take it, take it

I'm trying, I'm trying to sleep
I'm trying, I'm trying to sleep
But I can't, but I can't when you all have
Guns for hands yeah

We've turned our hands to guns, trade in our thumbs for ammunition
I must forewarn you, of my disorder, or my condition
'Cause when the sun sets, it upsets what's left of my invested interest
Interested in putting my fingers to my head
The solution is, I see a whole room of these mutant kids
Fused at the wrist, I simply tell them they should shoot at this
Simply suggest my chest and this confused music, it's
Obviously best for them to turn their guns to a fist

I'm trying, I'm trying to sleep
I'm trying, I'm trying to sleep
But I can't, but I can't when you all have
Guns for hands

I'm trying, I'm trying to sleep
I'm trying, I'm trying to sleep
But I can't, but I can't when you all have
Guns for hands

Immediately when that song finishes Dipper appears out of nowhere. He's is out of his usual clothing and when for something somewhat casual. You were glad you didn't dress up fancy or anything. 

"Hello Y/n darling, you look stunning!'

He grabbed you by the waist and pulled you towards him.  This was very awkward for you. Out of the shock you just stood there dumbfounded. 

"...Dipper it's our first date, just chill..."

"Oh yes sorry, it's just that your eyes are so intriguing, and I want you to be mine so bad."

"Your ruining the date by saying stuff like that, I definitely won;t go on a second date with you if you keep on acting like this"

"Well how do you want me to act when I'm so close to having the love of my life? I=You don't understand how much I want you to be mine, I know we're young but I know I want to spend the rest of my year-"

"Are we going to go anywhere or are we just going to say on my front porch all night?"

"Did you just ignore me?"

"Were you talking? I don't care if you were at this point because you're just talking of how you want me to be your girlfriend but you won't even  take me out."

"Whatever just get in the car"

Dipper had a car, obviously he had a permit. His car was blue, his licence plate said "DIPPER" (he isn't full of himself, ha). Like a total gentleman he opened the passenger door and let you in. 

"Dipper, where exactly are we going?"

"You'll see when we get there~"

Word Count: 886

I hope you guys like this, I actually spent time to brainstorm and revise it! Sorry it's mostly dialogue though. Stay tuned to see where Dipper took you!


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