Tent of Telepathy

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I would really appreciate if you'd leave comments or votes because I am unsure if you like the story also I will most likely update every weekend
Okay so lemme set the setup down
It's summer
You're approximately 16 yrs old
You're an only child btw
Y/n- Your Name
F/c- Favorite Color

Your POV
Okay so you've been all over the USA but you have not lived in the State of Oregon. Your parents decide to move there next month in the meanwhile they give you the responsibility of looking up a town to live in. You log onto your laptop to google towns in Oregon. A lot of results pop up, you look for the town that does not have a common name. You find a town named Reverse Falls, you investigate. So far it's great, you decide to tell your parents about it.

"Hey mom and dad I found a great city to live in, it's called Reverse Falls"

"You looked into it?," said your father with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes I did that's why I am suggesting we should move there"

"Okay fine but if it is not a good place then we will punish you and by we, I mean your mother and I," he said sternly.


~Time skip to a month from now brought to you by Shmebulock~

Today we're leaving, I am almost done with packing, all I need to put in is the picture of my best friends and I. Golly I sure will miss them, I can't say my goodbyes because they're both off on a vacation.

"Y/n are you done packing?" You mother yelled from downstairs.

"Yea mom I'm on my way with my boxes"

By the middle of the day you're halfway to Oregon.

~Time Skip to when you're done unpacking, sorry I just don't feel like writing the boring stuff~

"Okay mom and dad, I'm going out to see how the neighborhood is, is that fine with you?"

"Yes you can go out but come back before dinner," was what your mom said.

You took $22 from your wallet just in case you wanted to get something. Once you go outside you see on a light pole there is a flyer of something called the Tent of Telepathy; you decided that was something cool so you might as well go , it's starts at 4. You take a quick peek at your watch it's 3 you have about an hour to kill. You decide to go and explore the woods when you come across a shop named Mystery Shack, it seemed pretty interesting. Once you go inside you hear a bell ring after you close the door. You look around to see a necklace of a wood carved whale, you buy it. The person at the cashier was a small boy with white hair.

You peeked at your watch to see that it's 3:45, you better start walking towards that tent. You didn't know your way so you decided to ask the boy with the white hair, he politely told you the directions.

You get there around 3:56. The tent is full of teenage boys and girls and a couple high schoolers. You take a seat at the back row of the left side. Smoke appeared, two kids around your age come out of the curtains. The introduce themselves as Mabel and Dipper, they're fraternal twins. Mabel ask for a volunteer for their first act. Dipper scans the room girls are raising their hands in the air hoping they're picked. Our eyes meet, I was the volunteer asked to go up on stage.

"Hello and you are?" Mabel asked with a grin on her face

"I am y/n"

"Well hello there beautiful, will you do me a favor and stand behind the blanket?" Dipper said.

At this point every girl was looking at me, boy if looks could kill is be dead. I did as told so, also did he just call me beautiful? Well I stand behind the blanket, Mabel said something incoherent and suddenly I was backstage, there was a couch and a mini fridge. I patiently waited until someone escorted me. I grab a water from the fridge, I felt as if someone or rather something was staring at me. My train of thought was interrupted by Dipper walking backstage calling my name.

"We didn't get a proper introduction darling," he said as he started to get extremely close.

He was practically an inch away from me. He leaned like about to kiss me, I was in shock. Thank goodness my mom called me. He sat back down with eyes full of anger.

Word Count: 756
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