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The cute adorable ginger was slick. He managed to slip his phone number into your hands. He did this without Dipper noticing, how idk. But obviously you'll be calling him later, I mean you like Dipper but not in that way and you know you will never like him that way.

~Timeskip to the next day~

Hmmm, it's like 1pm and you decide to call the red haired boy.

Ring ring

"Huh, oh, hello, who is this"

"Oh hello, this is the girl from yesterday, the one who was at the restaurant, yes you gave me your number and so I figured I'd call you"

"Oh yeah the really cute looking girl, yeah I remember you! Oh pardon me I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Heath"

"Thank you for the compliment, o boi I forgot to introduce myself too, salutations I'm y/n!"

"Y/n... such a pretty name"

"Thank you again, soooo... Um may I ask why you gave me your number?"

"Well obviously I wanted to hang out with you bc you seem like such a cool and interesting person"

Word Count:182
Rip this was really short, I'm gonna finish this story eventually, so yeah.

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