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*•The next day•*
Your POV
Alright since you moved you don't have any friends. You decide to go out and make some(tbh I would never go outside and socialize myself). A place where people around your age go is the cafe. You you throw over something causal. You're parents are out right now, you grab the keys from the counter; just in case you text your mom that you're out.

~Time skip to le cafe~
You take a seat while drinking (insert drink).
Oh no. Darn you see Dipper walking outside. You quickly turn your head to the opposite side; yesterday was awkward for you because he tried to kiss you and you like just met. He disappears into the woods. You get up to throw away the container in which you drank out of. You accidentally bump into two girls.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!"

"Oh it's okay it was my fault, said the girl wearing a yellow ribbon in her hair.

"Let me get that," you say as you reach for napkins.

"Thanks," she said as her and her friend begin to clean her shirt.
Her friend had a pony tail and was wearing a choker on with a spaceship pendant.

After cleaning the mess the introduced themselves, the one with the eyeliner ribbon was named Kim and her friend was Melody. The seemed chill; you guys decided to hang out for the whole day. You went from store to store. And to wrap it up you purchases bubble tea.

"We should hang out another time"

"Yea we should, hey do you want my number?" Kim said taking out her phone.


You guys exchanged numbers.

Your father texts you saying he will pick you up. You just sit outside the shop you guys visited last. You do not realize but Dipper was walking behind you. Her realizes who's back is towards him.

Dipper's POV

"Hello Darling~"

"Erm... Hello," she said with a somewhat disturbed face.

"What are you doing here all alone?"

"Waiting to get picked up, what are you doing?" She said.

"Nothing important," but in my mind I said 'but rather stalking you'
"Would you like me to wait with you?"

"Nah man I'm good," she confidently spoke.

"I'll stay anyway"

Your POV
Why is he so persistent? He wants everything to be his way, ugh!

He sat close to you once more, this time he did not know how to have physical contact with you. But you did the move of putting your hands on the ground behind you for support. He took that chance and reached for your hand.

Dammit! You just want to be friends and he's like oh no you're mine hahahahaha. Should I just tell him I don't what to be more than friends and practically friend zone him? Yea I might as well tell him now before he gets his hopes up or something.

"Hey Dipper?"

"Yes," he says with a smirk.

"Can you do me a favor?"

"Well it depends because if you make me do something I don't want to there would be horrible consequences

"Well it depends because if you make me do something I don't want to there would be horrible consequences

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," he said being looking somewhat mad.

"Well when you put it like that it's harder to ask"

Dippers POV

"Don't be scared," but at the contrary I wanted Y/n to be frightened.

"You're confusing"


"I don't know how to feel about asking you because you intimidate me and then are like oh no it's alright just tell me. Make up your mind bruh!"

"Just tell me."

"Alright if I sound harsh I don't mean to but like I see you're interested in me but I don't reciprocate towards you," she said that last part looking off into the distance.

"What?! Excuse me but am I not allowed to have feelings towards someone as beautiful as you? No I will not stop until I have you."

Your POV

"What, excuse me m8 but you're moving too quickly besides we just met yesterday!"

"Well I want you now and I *ALWAYS* get what I want and when I want it"

He leaned close to my face only inches apart. Does he not understand?!

"I will get you Y/n like I mentioned before I always get what I want."

"Good luck with that"

He turned his back towards me and walked once again off into the woods. His plan of 'getting me' isn't going to work.

Word Count: 738
Y'all should like give me ideas.

Corrupt Romance (Dipper Gleeful x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now