Le Date

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Figures the Gleeful twin took you to a somewhat fancy restaurant, well ti wasn't that fancy because obviously he would have worn a different attire. You guys went into the restaurant to see a decent amount of people inside. You guys took a seat at your reserved table. The menu was handed out by a handsome waiter. The waiter seemed to be around your age, probably a kid from town, he had ginger hair covering his eyes and he had freckles. When the menus were being handed out his hand rubbed(?) against yours obviously Dipper got mad but he couldn't show it in public or else that would be awful for his reputation. The waiter left.

"Y/n! How dare you touch his hand in front of me!!"

"Geez calm down I didn't do it on purpose"

"he will pay" Dipper mumbled under his breath

"Huh? Did you say something?"


You guys ordered you food, after a couple minutes you were served all this was done by the same waiter. The waiter was no where as hot as Dipper, but he was rather adorable. If you had to give him a nickname is would be 'Geek' but not to be mean just because it would suit him. During dinner Dipper and you talked for what seemed an hour, during this conversation you got to know more about him. You two have more in common then you thought. The same cute boy came to clean up the plates, Dipper by then had realized you had been staring at the ginger haired boy. His face got was a tomato, like he was so mad. 

"Y/n I believe it is time to go"

"What, oh yea" you said as you kept watching the boy clean up.

Gosh they're both your love interests. Dipper is hot and 'seductive' while the boy is adorable and cute.

Will do something to the boy? Idk man you'll have to wait until I update.

Word Count: 317

Sorry this was a short update but honestly I've been putting all my updates off because I've been doing some socializing, drawing and 'taming' my hamster (it is a long process so it's going to take a long while for him to get accustomed to me) , please understand that I also have a life and I know that you guys want more  but commenting for me to update won't make me do it quicker. Thank you for reading my sucky story/ stories.


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