Finding out

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(Emmett's, Jasper's and Edward's are going to be similar.)

Paul Lahote

On their honeymoon Paul was very active with (y/n) and he couldn't keep his hands off her. It was very unexpected, (y/n) was feeling sick in the morning a month after the wedding and talked to Emily about it, but said it could be a 48 hour bug. When it didn't stop she when doctors and when she did, the doctor got the symptoms she was having and gave her two pregnancy tests to do. After she had taken them she couldn't be happier, but also scared at the same time.

Sam Uley

(Y/n) was visiting her mother as she hadn't seen her for a while now. While she was there her mom was making scrambled eggs for lunch, but the smell of them made her feel nausea and she ran to the bathroom and started to vomit. Her mother walked in and saw what happened and she had a small smile on her face.

"You know, when I was pregnant with you and your little brother I couldn't stand the smell of eggs." She stated as she held back (y/n) hair.

After she stopped being sick she washed and rises her mouth she looked at her mom.

"Can you get me a test or two?" She asked and her mom nodded and went to buy some.

When she got back she gave her the test and (y/n) did them and walked out to sit next to her mom and turned them over so she couldn't see them. When the timer went off she got her mom to look at them and she started to squeal in excitement. That was all (y/n) needed without looking at the tests to know she was indeed pregnant.

Jacob black

(Y/n) was with the other imprints and they were out shopping, but she was getting tried a lot faster then it normally takes her to. When she told the girls she was getting tried they immediately dragged her into the pharmacy to get a couple tests. She used the toilet they had there and when she came out she had the biggest smile on her face. They immediately said congratulations and went home.

Seth Clearwater

(Y/n) was with Leah as Seth was out and Leah wanted to talk to her about his birthday that was in about a two days. While talking Leah could hear a third heartbeat in the house, thanks to her heightened hearing, and it was coming from were (y/n) was sitting. So she did the most obvious thing and put her ear to her stomach.

"Leah what are you doing?" (Y/n) asked shocked.

Leah pulled away and smiled at her as she got up and got a littmann, which she had in her house for some reason, then gave it to (y/n) to put on. Once she did Leah to the end with the round part and placed in on her stomach, after lifting her top. (Y/n) could here a tiny heartbeat. She went wide eyed as she had a massive smile on her face.

Emmett Cullen

When (y/n) started to throw up from seven to half-seven, she went to her dad, Carlisle. When she showed up at the hospital to talk to him he was surprised. She explained what was happening and he took some tests and when he came back he asked a personal question which she hopped she would never here from her dad.

"Who was the first person you had sexual intercourse after turning into a vampire?" He had asked her.

"Emmett? Why?" She asked as she began to get worried.

"Well it's a miracle and complicated to explain." He started. "Well when you turned you had an egg waiting to be conceived and somehow it's lasted this long and your pregnant with Emmett's child." Carlisle explained the situation.

Jasper Hale

(Y/n) was hanging around with Alice and she just stopped for some reason, then began to pull (y/n) to the hospital Carlisle works at. When there she began to explain what she saw to both (y/n) and Carlisle.

"Well I saw (y/n) and Jasper were in the woods," She began but got interrupted by Carlisle.

"But they are always in the woods when they get the chance." Carlisle pointed out.

"Yes as I was saying, they were in the woods but they weren't along. There were with a child." Alice finishing telling them, then Carlisle immediately began running tests on (y/n).

When he was done he confirmed what Alice had said and she was indeed with child. Before Alice or (y/n) could ask any sort of questions, Carlisle began to explain because (y/n) was half human, one of her overs released an egg and it got conceived.

Edward Cullen

Everyone in the Cullen coven knew that (y/n) is half vampire and half human, but they thought nothing of it. When she turned up at the hospital Carlisle was currently working at, she nearly fainted due to exhaustion. She had never been tired in her life, so when this happened she became worried. So that leads to why she was sitting in front of Carlisle nearly nodding off to sleep. When Carlisle saw this he stood up and began some tests, now knowing why she came in. When he was finished he let out a small gasp.

"Wow, your human blood blessed you." Carlisle had said to her.

"What do you mean?" (Y/n) had asked him.

"Your pregnant." He told her.

Carlisle Cullen

It had been two years since Carlisle and (y/n) got married and they couldn't have been any happier then they were, but recently (y/n) had been sick in the morning and as soon as she got back from her fathers flower shop, she would fall to sleep on the sofa. So instead of going to her husband, who was a doctor, she went to see a friend who was a female doctor. When she was there the doctor had taken a blood sample and told her to come back in a weeks time.

A week later she went back and she was nervous to see what the results were.

"Well (y/n) I have good news, depending how you see it." The doctor had told her.

"What is it?" (Y/n) asked as she leaned back in her chair and the doctor gave her a smile.

"You are absolutely fine, but you will need to take better care of yourself." The doctor began to explain.

"What do you mean?" She asked not getting what she meant.

"Congratulations. Your expecting." She told her.

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