Chapter 16

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The day I've waited for all my life was finally here. Today was the day Niall moved in with me. I'm so excited and happy. Currently I'm prepping our bedroom (making the bed, dusting, cleaning the floor) as I step back to the door frame. It looks great. I made my way over to the guest bedroom to get that ready invade the boys need to stay over. I did the same to the guest room and they both look stunning. Brand new. Whatever you want to call it, that's what it is.


"Excuse me for a bit mum, I have to talk to Em" he said. He got up and grabbed my wrist, pulling me into the expensive kitchen. "What Niall?" He paused for a minute, and looked down at the ground. "What Niall?" I asked again, "I.......uh.....I-I-I think we should move in together, at your condo!" I paused for a minute. His face dropped. I think he thought I was going to say no. "I think it's a wonderful idea, lets ask your Mum." We walked back into the living room "What were you two talking about in there?" She asked, curious. "Well mum, we know you just approved us dating, but I think it would be the best if we....uh..Maybe moved in together?" He asked, shrugging. She looked blown away by this and I would be too. It was awkward silence for a good five minutes and then Maura spoke up. "If you think it's for the best, go ahead." We both hugged in accitement and I couldn't wait to go home and prep the rooms.

*End of Flashback*

Just then, I heard someone at the door, so I rushed over, incase it was Niall I opened the door and it was my landlord. "Oh hello Miss. Rodriguez! Thanks for coming!" And I shook her hand. "My pleasure. Now what do you need?" She asked. "Well, you know how I have a boyfriend, Niall.... Well we were going to move in together, can he move in here?" I asked? I hope she doesn't say no. "Well, the rules are-" she pulled out what looked like a contract and held it up and pointed to a section. "Only two people and a guest household can stay here! Good day!" She said and walked out, not bothering to close the door behind her. Sometimes she can be so rude! Just as I was closing the door I heard "Wait!" And I held the door and pulled it open again to see Niall with what looks like heavy boxes. I helped him load in all of his boxes and then we pushed them over to our room. What he had were shirts, shorts,pants, hats, bracelets,socks,shoes, and PJs. I know that doesn't sound like a lot, but it was so much that I had to bring in the dresser from the guest room for his clothes instead of the empty space in my closet. I guess I had to go shopping today! We were in the middle of organizing clothes when the doorbell rang. Probably the mail. I ran down the hallway into the kitchen and to the door. I unlocked & opened the door and there was Abigail with the mail. She handed me the mail. "Thanks Abigail!" I said and she quickly replyed "No problem!" And walked off. I shut and locked the door behind me and threw the mail on the table, infront of a chair. I plopped down on the chair, grabbing the letter opener so I would be ready. I was flipping through the mail, as one in particular caught my eye.

To: Emily Rose

(Insert address here)

From: Millingar High School

(Insert address here)

I grabbed my letter opener and sliced it open. This is what it read:

July, 29, 2013

Dear Emily,

As we come to an end of summer vacation, it comes time we introduce ourselves. (Insert people's names here)

Included in the envelope is a school supply list, but please make sure that you get everything on the list, so you ensure the best first day of school possible. Please come down to the High school and we will get you enrolled as soon as possible.



Xander Fields

Ugh. I picked up the letter and walked to where Niall was. He stood in the doorframe, looking into the beautifully decorated room. "Uhh Ni?" I asked. I didn't dare to poke him because his shoulder was really sweaty. "Yes em?" He sighed and turned around. "I got this letter from the local high school. We need to go back to school shopping and go enroll." He looked kind of confused so I handed him the letter and he skimmed over it. "What's this, eh? Ohh, school. It begins next week so lets go."


As I searched for a parking spot, Niall was skimming the list. "Ok, here is what you need:

3-1 1/2 inch binders

3-1 inch binders

7 folders

Lined paper


Pens (Black or blue)

6 packs of 10 binder dividers



Index cards


Big backpack


And anything else you feel like you need to start (and finish) 12th grade! See you then!" He recited. Score! a parking spot right up front.


As we were pulling a cart around a big cart full of school supplies, Niall got a call. He excused himself and walked down one of the isles. He was pacing back and forth, so this can't be good. But I just let it slide off my shoulders and I continued on my way, grabbing the dividers and binders, and the paper. As I was going to get the lock, I decided to check on Niall as I was walking by. He wasn't talking now, he was muttering something, but I was almost done, and he had to come with me. "Uhh...Niall? Are you coming?" he jumped signaling I startled him. He turned around and walked up the isle. "Is everything ok Ni?" I asked. He was about to say something but a few fans ran up and they wanted signatures and pictures. "Ni, I'ma go to get a lock. Meet me there when your done." He nodded while smiling and I went for my lock. I went up a few isles and waked down it. There were the locks, a bunch of different colors and styles. I picked a pink one with a dial on it and threw it into the cart. I hopped up and down to try to see him, but no luck. A few seconds later, a familiar blonde head peaked from around the corner. "Sorry Em, more showed up....lets get going, shall we?"


"Why were you pacing in the isle?" I asked him at the dinner table. His face dropped, but I really wanted to know. All of a sudden he blurted out: "I have to go on tour in two weeks!"



Cliffhanger! mwa ha ha ha haaaa

Anyways, sorry this chapter is late and stinky. I just ended my first week of school! whoop whoop whoop and I'm here in bed on a Thursday night :) (no school Friday WHOOOOOOOOOOP WHOOOOOOOOOOP) good night and read my other story, vote and comment because it might motivate me to write more ;) (who got Our Moment yet? I did and it smells amazing you should totes buy it :) )


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