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Sharion's P.O.V
I started crying as the doctors took Kiara and Brian into the emergency room .  Kiaras parents rushed in after us . I comfort Marcus and Brittney as they both cried on my shoulders .
Brittney - I never though I would love him the way I do . I wanted him to suffer but idk anymore . I didn't mean to be cruel like him but I was in pain . I miss him already .
I rubbed Brittneys head .
Marcus - I'm such a fool . I shouldn't have slept with Vicky . I love Kiara so much she's the love of my life I don't
Know what'll do without her .
The doctor came out 2 hours later to give the report on Brian and Kiara
Doctor- well guys I have good news and bad news . Good news is that Brian is going to be fine he has a little head trauma. Your daughter Kiara was 6 months pregnant. I don't know how she didn't show but we took the baby out and it's in our nursery .
She had a bouncing baby boy
Sharion - *sniffles * what's the bad news ?
Doctor- *sign* we lost Kiara during labor . She lost too much blood from the pressure of the bite on her stomach . The baby barley made it .
Marcus broke down In my arms .
We all got ourselves together and went to see her for our last time .
Marcus P.O.V
After everyone seen her I walked in slowly . I seen her laying there motionless. I ran my fingers through her hair I started crying and holding her in my arms. I should have protected her . I should be dead not her . I kissed her on more time. And went to see our baby boy . He was laying down in his bed . I picked him up and started playing with his hair . He had my hair but Kiara's lips. He had hazel eyes and Kiara's round face .  He was a beautiful brown skin complexion.  I kissed his forehead and rocked him in my arms . He started smiling as he went back to bed .  I looked back at Kiara's body and seen something shocking 😳.
Brittney's P.O.V 💛
I seen Brian laying down sleeping . He had many wires hooked up to him which made me cringe. That's my baby . I know I shouldn't feel the way I do but i can't help it . I grabbed his hand and kissed it broken down next to him .
Brittney - Brian . I know your awake but hopefully you can hear me. I'm sorry I have to tell you this but Kiara died . But she left a baby boy . And I know she loves you even though y'all get on each other's nerves. But she loved you dearly . *sits back * man I'm going to miss her .
Brian gripped my hand signaling he heard me. I helped him sit up and he took his cast off .
Brian - my sister . My baby sister is dead . *puts his head in his hands * man man why ?! Why my baby sister she's only 16 why she had to go so early 😭.
Brittney - *rubs his head * baby she's in a better place Otay ? It's going to be okay . I bet she's up there with y'all little brother smiling down at us .
Brian shook his head and told me
To lay with him .
I took off my heels and Laid down with him . He wrapped his arms around me
And snuggled into my chest .
Sharion P.O.V
I walked into Kiara's room to check on the baby and I seen something shocking . I seen Kiara in the air and the goddess of love and cherish In front of us . Zolita was her name. She was holding Kiara in the air and she started healing her with her
Zolita-Make the clock reverse,
Bring back what once was mine,
Heal what has been hurt,
Change the fate's design,
Save what has been lost,
Bring back what once was mine,
What once was mine.

When Zolita finished Kiara was put back on the bed. We
Don't know if she's dead or alive ?
But the beautiful Zolita vanished before our eyes, as Marcus the 3rd erupted in tears .
Unknown P.O.V
I was standing on the tree next to Kiara's Window. Finally
I can have Marcus all to my self but first I need to kill there baby . *scoffs * He's ugly . And then *looks in Brian room * I heard Brittney was going
To be pregnant . Maybe I should rearrange that so I can have Brian all to myself. But first Imma need a little inside help with it *smirks* get ready bitches . *jumps off and walk in the street* I'm coming for y'all and Imma get what I want.
End of Part 11 😋
Picture of Zolita at the beginning.
Baby Marcus is down below😻💖'

 BUTTTTTTTTTTTTT HOLD UPIs Kiara dead ? Is Brittney right for loving Brian ? Does Brian really love Brittney ? Is Vicky really dead ? Where's Lanli and Chantel ? Who's the unknown P

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Is Kiara dead ?
Is Brittney right for loving Brian ?
Does Brian really love Brittney ?
Is Vicky really dead ?
Where's Lanli and Chantel ?
Who's the unknown P.O.V?
Who's gonna be the unknown person inside help ?
Find out in the next chapter of My Bully Is My Mate 💍😴.

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