B r e a k d o w n (intermission, end of part one.)

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I know you're wondering what the "sessions" mean.

They're based off the anime Cowboy Bebop.
If you've seen CB, you'd know that the episodes aren't called "episodes", they're "sessions" of jazz songs.

And the song titles are songs I listen to (of course.)

Therefore, this is the end of part I,

With the climax being the suspense of Huey truly expressing how he truly understands what Jazmine is feeling.

So part II will pick up, with the remaining sessions:

• Stinkmeaner's clone becoming friends with Grandad
• Jazmine's "pregnancy".
• Huey and Jazz's graduation, beginning of their future.
• Riley's second near-jeopardy of his future, after getting loose for the "juice".

Please stay tuned, I may not get these released as fast as possible cause SCHOOL will interrupt how fast I get these out.

The Boondocks: a Huey\Jazmine love storyWhere stories live. Discover now