session xvi: stay an original (poem / interlude)

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"Remember to stand out from those who aren't in your lane,
don't judge books by their covers,
be yourself, love yourself,
stay an original, and don't be like the crowd.
If ignorant people want you to do bad shit to get with their clique,
they're not worth jack shit,
They're narcissistic and full of it.
Original people don't worry about that,
And anyone who follows that is truly wack.
I wonder why people say we act too black,
My people may do shameful things,
That's a fact, but we are all still kings and queens,
That reign,
But when you fall in with the crowd,
You can't stand for yourself, instead you follow those who won't do anything for you in the near future, but become a setback,
So please be a leader and not a follower.
Act like you know!"

- Huey

/// summer passes past this point. \\\

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