Chapter Five

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I am SO sorry that I didn't update when I said I would, I went away for a week and I didn't have my laptop or any wifi, which sucked. I started to write last night, but then my laptop overheated and deleted it. Which also sucked. But here it is! I promise I won't be gone for nearly as long as last time ever again.

Hope you like it! Make sure to leave a comment :)

*10 votes for Chapter 6!*



"Oh my god, your accent." Beau said for the millionth time.

"Dude, you'll scare her off!" I laugh at Luke's reply, he was smirking at me as he said it and I couldn't help but blush.

"If he scares me off, I'm sure you won't be short of people to Skype..." I looked down as I said this, secretly upset because I knew I was right. Beau scoffed and Luke bit his lip. I kind of melted inside.

"Oh please, you're all he's been talking about since you met." Beau said before jumping up and leaving the room, as if his comment meant nothing. Was it true? Was I all Luke ever talked about? I could feel the butterflies in my stomach become more prominent by the second.

"Is that so, Luke?" I teased him and he opened his mouth to speak but quickly shut it and smirked.

"From the minute he wakes up, the to the minute he goes to sleep!" I heard Jai, his twin call out from the other room. I couldn't contain a smile any longer. I was sure my cheeks were such a dark shade of red that anyone from a mile away could see them. Luke tried to defend himself, but Jai and Beau joined him again.

"I wonder if Bailey is awake. I wonder what Bailey's doing right now. Do you think Bailey likes me?" Beau imitated Luke's voice poorly, I laughed.

"I'll just send her another message...just one more..." Jai copied. Luke playfully hit them both and they ran off, calling out for Gina that Luke was attacking them. My cheeks were starting to hurt from smiling so much. When we were finally alone and I could stop laughing, Luke just looked at me and sighed and I pouted.

"What's wrong?" I asked, worried that I had done something to upset him.

"Nothing, it's fine." He shrugged it off but it only made me ask him more.

"Tell me..." I said, seriously. He sighed again and tried to look away but couldn't. His eyes soon found mine again, and he bit his lip in thought. What was bugging him so much?

"I..." He began, not being able to find the words. "It's stupid really..." I smiled encouragingly at him.

"No! No it's not stupid! C'mon, just tell me!" I was genuinely curious as to what he had to say now.

"I like you. OK?" I felt my heart stop for a second before it began beating twice as fast as normal. A small indescribable noise escaped from my mouth as I struggled to reply. There were two things going through my head.

1. Luke was only joking with me, and didn't have feelings for me at all. It was all a lie.


2. He did actually like me, and my dreams had come true.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and finally smiled. When he saw, he reciprocated it and gave me a cheeky grin. I couldn't help but giggle at him.

"I...I like you too, Luke. But I'm just another fan." I said rather miserably.

"No, stop it. You're not, Bailey. I care about you." If he continued the way he was going, I would probably have an asthma attack from not being able to breathe properly. I squeezed my eyes shut to try and hide the tears of joy that were threatening to escape. I shook my head, feeling as if that would help me get back to reality, and stop dreaming. This surely couldn't be happening, things like this never happen to me. And especially not with someone like Luke. I was probably the unluckiest girl in the world. Until now.

I heard Luke clear his throat to get my attention and my eyes quickly shot open. I grinned at him and started to play with my necklace.

"It's getting pretty late, I have to go..." He mumbled. No! He couldn't just leave me, not now! You could see my face drop and he chuckled. I pouted and started to bat my eyelashes at him.

"Please stay, Lukey?" He looked at the time and then back at me. He began to speak but then I heard Gina in the background.

"Luke! It's 3am, get your ass to bed. Now!" He pouted back at me.

"I really have to go, but I'll text you, promise." He blew me a kiss and I pretended to catch it and press it to my own lips. One day, I hoped, one day, I really will get to kiss Luke. And before I had chance to say goodbye, he had ended the video call, and signed out. I sighed and whispered to myself.

"I love you..."

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