Chapter Twelve

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okay so i'm posting this off my phone and idk if it's gonna work but fingers crossed...

i'm really really behind on all my work from college and i'm just so stressed at the minute that i won't be able to update as often until the Christmas break, sorry guys!

but here's chapter twelve, hope you enjoy it, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE vote, comment and share!


Luke and I walked hand in hand into the party, the house was filled with a lot more people than I had originally expected. But they all came running over, excited to see Luke's "new friend". I awkwardly smiled and waved as I greeted these new people whose names I had already forgotten when Gina pushed past all of them and threw her arms around me.

"Bailey! We finally meet!" She squeals, she was just as adorable in person and she is over texts. I grin back, genuinely this time, as she releases me.

"Gina, I'm finally in Australia!" I looked back at Luke who, by the looks of it, was keeping his eyes on me, as if I was going to disappear at any moment if he looked away. It was quite endearing actually, but I didn't want to hold him back from his friends. I gave his hand a reassuring squeeze as I nodded with my head for him to go and have fun. He reciprocated a squeeze, kissing my cheek at the same before whispering huskily in my ear.

"I won't be long, princess."

Just little nicknames like that, that's what got the butterflies going instantly. I felt my knees go weak and I watched him walk away, completely oblivious to the fact Gina was asking me a question. She laughed loud enough to catch my attention as I turned back to her and blushed.

"He never stops talking about you, y'know?" I follow her gaze back to Luke, who was running a hand through his curly locks, a big smile on his lips. I admired him from head to toe, he was exceptionally handsome tonight. He was wearing a blue button up shirt with what I thought were beige looking chinos, dressed down with a comfy pair of vans. I hadn't realised I was staring with my mouth open at him in awe until he caught my glance and winked. My heart went into overdrive, beating double time. I had never felt this way before. Of course, I'd had crushes before, but nothing like this. Luke was different, he was perfect.

"Yeah, he's something else." I finally told Gina. She gave me another hug before emerging herself in the crowds of people again. I found my way over to the drinks table where I poured two red cups with punch, trying to find Luke.

As I dodged carefully through all the drunken people, my stomach flipped. But not in the good way, more like I could feel something bad was going to happen. But I didn't quite know what. I took a deep breathe and a sip of my drink. Shit was it strong stuff... I pushed my way through over to the sofa where I saw Luke straight away. I let out a sigh of relief as I saw him, nothing bad had happened to him, yet my stomach wasn't quite ready to accept nothing was wrong.

I took a cautious step forward when I saw her. A beautiful slim girl, cuddling into Luke's side. His arm was wrapped loosely around her shoulder, pulling her closer to him. She was stunning, I didn't blame him. I couldn't anyway, we weren't exactly an item. But I still felt betrayed, he had brought me here, this party was supposedly for me, but here he was, hooking up with a girl who was ten times better than me in every department. I felt a lump rise in my throat as the tears pricked the corners of my eyes, threatening to run down my face.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe again. I was at a party after all, so why not drink all of my troubles away, I thought. I contemplated going over and confronting him, but in the end, I downed both cup fulls, one after the other. I could instantly feel the affect they were having on me. Wow, it really was strong stuff.

"Hey Bailey, do you want another drink?" I heard Beau slur, obviously drunk already. I turned to face him completely. Two could play Luke's game. I tried to act as seductive as possible, pushing myself off the chair and putting a hand on his chest.

"I'd love one, thanks." I purred at him. I knew I was crazy, for ever thinking I had a chance with Luke in the first place. I was a fan, and that's all I'll ever be. A fan. All this pretentious crap about me being different to all the girls, it was all one big game. The more I thought about Luke with anyone else, I could feel my cheeks flush red, but this time in anger. I was jealous, when really I had no right to be. I wasn't his girlfriend, after all.

Beau nudged me slightly as I returned back to reality, he offered me the cup and I drank it a little too quickly as I wobbled on my heels, falling into his chest.

"I need to lie down..." I told him, before bending over double and coughing up the remnants of what I had been drinking. The last thing I remember was shouting between what sounded like Beau and Luke. I groaned as my stomach clenched together, drinking and I do not match at all. And that was the last thing I remembered before passing out and collapsing into Beau's arms.

Just a fan, I'll show you, Luke. Believe me, I'll show you.


It's pretty late and I can feel my eyes dropping as I type, but I hope you liked it!

I'll proof read it in the morning :)

Vote/comment and share please, ily!


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