Chapter Nine

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basically, I started college a couple weeks ago and i'm just trying to settle in :))

I did try and update whilst I was at college though, but it told me that wattpad was a form of pornography, so...yeah...

I REALLY HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS LONG AWAITED CHAPTER, if I can get 10 reads tonight then I'll post another chapter!



I woke to the pilot over the speakers telling us that we would be landing shortly. It took me a while to realise where I was, but it only took seconds for the butterflies to kick in again. I sat up instantly, pulling out my headphones and shaking my family.

"Wake up! We're here!" I squealed at them. I think I was most excited about this trip more than anyone. They stirred a little, whilst I sat there, jumping up and down with excitement. When we finally landed, I peered out of the window and saw the sun lighting up the runway. We were told to remain in our seats, but I wanted nothing more than to just run off this plane and into Luke's arms.

But then it hit me, like a ton of bricks. I wasn't exactly his girlfriend. And I doubt I ever would be. The excitement suddenly drained from my body and I almost felt my blood go cold as the nervousness kicked in. I pulled out my phone and texted him, my fingers shaking. When my phone finally turned on, I had 3 texts from him already.

"I'm going to sleep now princess, I can't wait to see you tomorrow!x"

"I can't sleep!"

"You do realise when you get to Australia, i'm never letting you go back?"

I felt my heart start to race again. Maybe there was a chance for me and Luke after all. But I didn't want to let myself hope or dream, because then I'd be crushed if it never happened.

My brother waved his hand in front of my face, obviously I'd been daydreaming. I blushed when he rolled his eyes at me. We could finally get off the plane. I was biting down hard on my lip, wanting to push everyone out of my way and run through Melbourne airport. I felt my mum link her arm in mine and I shot her an urgent look as if to say "I need to find him."

It felt like forever waiting for our cases to come, which I thought was just typical. I began tapping my foot impatiently, and finally texted Luke.

"Guess who's here?!"

Within seconds my phone was beeping with a reply from Luke.

"Me and the boys are waiting! They're all telling me to shut up bc I cant stop talking about you, lol"

My knees went weak and I had to lean against my brother till I could gain the will to move. I was glad that the boys were there, it might make things less awkward. Not to mention I had also become quite close to them too. But it was Luke I wanted to see, more than anything. When our cases finally came, I wheeled mine quickly behind me, my head scanning through the crowds to see if I could see the boys. I stopped to check my phone, he definitely said he was here. I sighed, knowing that it was all too good to be true, when I felt multiple strong arms wrap around me. I screamed out loud, covering my eyes in fear.

"BAILEY!" They cheered happily. I peaked out of my hands and a huge grin plastered my fear stricken face. I wrapped my arms around the boys. I counted their heads, there was Jai, Daniel, Beau and James. But no Luke. Where was Luke? After probably 2 minutes of squeezing the life out of each other, they all slowly pulled away, to reveal a shy looking Luke, biting down on his lip. It all went silent and I brushed a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Do I get a hug too or am I just gonna stand here like a loser?" His Australian accent sent me over the top and I practically crashed into his chest, holding him so tightly to me. I felt his arms wrap around my waist, and mine around his neck. Neither of us said anything, I just buried my head into the crook of his neck, my eyes closed, breathing is his smell. I heard him chuckle breathlessly.

"Hey babe, you're squishing me..." He managed. I loosed my grip and blushed a dark shade of red.

"Sorry..." I mumbled. He flashed me a cheeky grin and I actually had to pinch myself. I didn't know if I was dreaming or not.

"You have nothing to be sorry for." I bit down on my lip again before carefully hugging him once more. I sighed happily. I didn't want to move from this spot, or let go of this boy. Ever again.

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