Chapter 2:

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Chapter 2:

Slowly and reluctantly, Cas uncovered his face from his duvet. He blinked sleepily as he closed his eyes before blinking again. Streaks of sunlight penetrated through the window, which blinded him temporarily. His eyes moved towards the direction of his clock, which was situated on the nightstand. 5:37 am. He gave himself a few more minutes to lay in before he sat up, dragged his feet off the bed, and rubbed his knuckles onto his eyes. Castiel stretched his arms above his head and yawned; watching his legs dangle above the off-white polyester carpet. He had always been an early bird, especially when the sun rises expeditiously during the warmer seasons.

He walked out of his bedroom and into the kitchen, which was separated from the lounge by the counter. The slight coolness from the wooden floor beneath his bare feet caused a shiver to run down his spinal cord. Grasping the kettle, he opened the lid, moved to the sink and poured some water into it. Placing the object back onto its base as he pushed the small lever on the kettle. Once that was done, he grabbed two slices of bread and slotted them into the two slits in the toaster, also pushing down the lever on the side. Whilst he waited, he got a mug and a small plate from the cupboard and began to pour his preferred coffee amount. For some reason, he turned his head and glanced into the sink. A smile crept onto his lips as he saw the content of it. Two mugs from last night. God, he has been so caught up into the conversation with Dean that he had lost track of time.

The sound of the water finally boiled and the toaster pushing his freshly toasted bread up to the surface broke the memory recollection he was having. Firstly, he poured the boiled water into the mug and then walked a few steps to the fridge to get the milk and poured a bit before returning the carton back in the fridge. He took a teaspoon and placed around two sugars into his beverage and mixed it well. Grabbing the toast and placed it on the place. He sat down at the table and ate alone. Sometimes he would miss his family surrounding him during the morning and wanted some company of his own.

Cas was just following his daily routine, just somewhat earlier than usual. After he ate, he took a quick shower. Again checking the time. 6:03 am. "There'll be enough time..." He muttered to himself as he got changed and done the other necessaries, such as: brush his teeth, fix his hair and prepare all the books and materials he needed for his later lessons.

By the time Castiel was able to step out the door it was around 6:17 am.


It is a fifteen minute walk to the university from his apartment. To fill the somewhat quietness of walking by himself, Cas stationed a headphone in each ear and placed his music on shuffle. This helped him to drown out the sound of the cars which drove past him at this hour.

6:33 am.

It would have seemed that Cas' legs had managed to bring him to stand in front of the dancing studio building. Creaking the door open  as he entered. No one was here. It was the perfect time to practice before his first class at 8 o'clock. He walked up the flight of spiral stairs and into one of the studios. Castiel placed his stuff aside, removing his jacket and his headphones from his ears and unplugged it from his phone; only to replace his device into the speaker which required it to be plugged in. He had done his warm ups before getting ready to do some free styling to the next song.

When your legs don't work like they used to before

Cas started in a position called a 'demi plie' (pronounced as Plee-yah). In French means "folded or bent". In dance it is a bending of the knees done to render the joints and muscles. He then lifted his right arm, circling it around his head once bringing to down to his side gracefully.

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