Chapter 6:

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The morning fades in like a scene from a bad theatre production. The cast stomp about, slam doors and project their voices as far as their lips, then sulk because no-one replied. It would be funny if this same play wasn't repeated every morning at 7 am. But it does, and Cas has a bit-part to play with no line. All he had to do was to get out of bed, eat, take a shower, get dressed, fix his bag and leave the apartment with his earphones in. No smiling required. Yet this was new day. Putting the past two days behind him, he breathed in the fresh morning air, exhaling the negativity.

Though the classroom walls are bare the windows are large. Everyone wants a window seat, to sit in the unsubdued light of the morning. Outside the sky was blue expect for a few strands of stratus that trail like aeroplane trails. It never really occurred to Cas but whomever painted the walls in here must have had an imagination bypass. It was so plain. God, sitting in class never felt so long. It was the same anticipation feeling when he was waiting to be called up on the stage. Cas stared at the clock, the ticking of the minute hand almost drove him insane. It was as if life was purposely dragging the hours on and on for him to suffer.

What felt like an eternity later, the bell rang. The alarm echoed throughout the room, causing all students to cheer and pack their belongings as they all rushed towards the door, the only way out of hell.

Cas waited for the commotion to die down before exiting himself, heading towards the building he had promised to go to. His feet never felt so reluctant to step in, but he had to. Not because of Dean but because Sarea will most likely kill him if he went back on his promise. Slowly taking each step, the male eventually made it to the top. He pushed the door open to their usual studio as he was surprised, Dean was already there. Winchester glanced up to him before turning back to his conversation with the older Novak.

"Ah, Castiel." Sarea greeted.

"How did you get up Sarea?" Cas questioned.

"I flew." Sarea joked as she chuckled. "Cas, it's the twenty first century. We have things called elevators."

"We had one?"

"Yeah it got installed last summer for cases such as mine."

The dark haired male placed his items in the usual place, with all the others. "Alright you two, I want you to perform a casual waltz."

Dean nodded, following his instructions.

"Dean hold your partner close: you can't waltz with someone if you're keeping him at arm's length and trying to pretend he's not with you." Sarea scolded.

"Here you're meant to have your arm around my waist." Cas assisted him, moving his arm so it was around his waist. He then moved his left hand so it was placed on Dean's nearer shoulder. Before Cas was able to take Dean's hand, the other already performed that adjustment. Castiel felt the gentle hold on his waist and from the hand which grasped his own.

"Perfect." Sarea smiled from her wheelchair, as she pressed both her hands together in awe of the two.

Despite this close distance, Dean refused to make any eye contact with Castiel. As Sarea played the music which they had to dance to, Dean and Castiel's footwork were tragic. Absolutely tragic. Cas tried not to show that it was hurting every time Dean were to step on his foot. Sarea just shook her head in disappointment. Pausing the music, causing Dean and Cas to halt. They both withdrew from their position but somewhat maintained this close distance. "Enough, enough. What is wrong with the both of you?" Although she already knows, she wanted the two to reflect on their feelings.

"I'm so-" The duo said simultaneously but was also cut off.

"Don't apologise to me. Apologise to each other. Whatever the other has done could be forgiven, right?"

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