Chapter 9:

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Something was shaking ever so gently against Dean. Almost as if Cas was shivering, this action continued until Dean finally woken from the violent shivering male. "Cas?" He called out as he slowly opened his eyelids. His eyes adjusting to the darkness of the room, despite it being ever so dark, he was still able to see the other beside him. Taking a hand as he placed it upon his forehead. Shit. His temperature has gone up again. Not only that but he was violently shaking. "Cas! Cas!" Dean raised his voice louder with each call, in attempt to wake the other up.

"D-Dean..." Cas mumbled meekly.

"Cas, baby, I'm driving you to the hospital."

"Dean, n-no." Castiel opposed as he took a shaking hand a grasped Dean's arm weakly.

"I"m sorry but your condition seems to be getting worse." Dean apologised as he got up from the bed, changing into his jeans and throwing a plaid shirt upon his plain t-shirt, placed his socks and shoes on before heading back for the dark haired male. He scooped him up bridal style. Noticing how much lighter he has gotten. He's lost weight? Dean thought to himself before grabbing his set of keys from the kitchen counter, with Cas in his arms. He had made it all the way down to where the impala was parked. Placing Cas into the backseats, where he could lay down.

Winchester then went to the driver's side and started the muscle car. Right now the speed limit did not affect his mind. Cas would probably die from the violent shivering and it would be his fault for driving so slowly. Luckily, during the ungodly hours of the morning, not many cars were out and about to cause traffic which would normally last up to ten minutes during the day. Dean was weary of police which were on duty but just like the speed limitation, it was the least of his worries right now. He would glance into the mirror every once in a while to check up on the sick male. "Hang in there, baby..." Dean muttered lowly as he focused on getting to the hospital.

The journey was about thirteen minutes long. He parked hastily, got from his side to the passenger's backseats and scooped him into his arms once more. Closing the impala one-handedly before rushing towards the automatic doors which opened when you got nearer to it and called for a nurse or a doctor - someone who can help them. As expected in a hospital, everything was quick. Help was quick, because a minute after, few people came rushing down with a transportable bed. Dean was able to follow until a nurse has turned and prevented him from entering the double doors which were only exclusive to staff. Dean huffed before sitting himself down upon the chairs which were placed against the wall. Placing his head back until it cannot go any further due to the wall. He had closed his eyes and inhaled and exhaled deeply.

A few minutes passed by, yet it felt forever waiting for news on Castiel. It must have been at least fifteen minutes before his attention was caught by the same nurse who stopped him from entering. She came to him with a clipboard which had some empty form attached to it.

"May I ask what your relation is to the person?"

"I'm his fr-" Dean halted, he couldn't bring himself to say friend, because Cas was more than that to him. He swallowed his original line before changing it slightly. "I'm his partner." He answered confidently, without any shame or any hesitation this time around.

The nurse only gently smiled as she wrote that down into one of the boxes. "What happened exactly to your partner?" She questioned.

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