Chapter 1 (Edited)

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Sixteen, the age when we find our mate. It was when we aren't alone anymore, and we have someone that has our back. Sure, there are those that do reject us, and I got a feeling that I'm going to be one of them.

Why? People might ask.

Well... I'm not really the prettiest girl out there, and my name was a boys name. My name, is Sam. No, not short for Samantha. It's just Sam.

I didn't even look beautiful. I had baby fat everywhere, bland, straight, blonde hair, and boring brown eyes. I was short, maybe around 5'2, and I had to wear glasses. It was weird, being a Werewolf and having to wear glasses.

Anyways, I guess everything had started to change when I woke up on my 16th b-day.


I woke up, groaning, to a pounding headache. I bit back a sigh as I grabbed my glasses, knowing that it was because I had opened my eyes, and everything was just blurry.

Why can't I be like normal Werewolves and actually see perfectly? I asked, rubbing my eyes before putting them on. Or stop getting weird visions?

I waited, wanting to see if my wolf would talk to me, but she didn't. I huffed slightly, getting ready for another God awful day at school.

I knew that I was going to be picked on, even though my best friend was the Alpha's son, and I was being raised by the Alphas of our pack. However, I knew that today my friend would be training all day, so he wouldn't be going to school.

Thomas was his name, or what I liked to call him, Tommy. He was the player of Norton High, loving to party, even at a young age. He had gorgeous blue eyes that shined when he's laughing or smiling. He had blonde hair that girls loved to run their fingers through. And his body, I couldn't tell anyone how many times I've seen him without a shirt.

I've had this huge ass crush on him, but the bad thing was, he only saw me as a sister. Well, a little sister, even though we were born two seconds apart from each other. Tommy, was older than me, even though I acted a little more mature than him.

The reason why we have been friends for a long time was because... well our parents had been friends for the longest time, also. My father was friends with his mother, while his father was friends with my mother, making it so that they found their mates quick.

They both got married and had us basically at the same time, making us "related".

I shook my head and sighed, knowing that I couldn't do anything about it. He will just keep that sister relationship with me and that was it.

And today was my birthday, so I wasn't going to worry about it. Hopefully, people wouldn't pick on me too bad, even though I was sure that it will happen. I knew that I would be getting a couple of birthday "surprises", because my friend wasn't there.


I walked downstairs, silently, hoping to leave as quick as possible. I didn't want anyone to see me, knowing that I would be stopped and probably pushed around, like always. I wasn't sure why people pushed me around, but it might be because of the fact that both my parents were dead, and I was around them. However, I was just five, and they had been attacked by rogues.

"Hold it," a male said, making me stop, breaking my thoughts before they turned darker.

I groaned inwardly, praying that it was someone that I had liked and could stand. I placed my hands in my sweatshirt before turning around, to see that it was my adopted father and Alpha, that had made me stop.

I nodded my head in respect, not wanting to fight with the people that didn't like me. "Alpha," I said.

Alpha Ryker was his name, and he looked just like his son. He had blonde hair and blue eyes, also that boyish appearance about him. He shook his head and sighed, not liking that I had called him Alpha. "When are you going to call me either father or uncle?" he asked.

I shrugged my shoulder, staying silent. The reason why I didn't call him that was because some people had warned me not to. I knew that they would be listening, even though I knew Alpha Ryker would have my back.

"Happy birthday," he said, not commenting on the shrug. However, I knew that he was worried about me.

"Thank you, Alpha." I paused. "Can you tell Thomas that I said happy birthday?"

He nodded his head. "You're heading to school earlier than usual. Do you need a lift?"

I shook my head no. I really loved walking through the forest. It was where I felt the freest, not having a care in the world, even though sometimes some of the older kids would come at me during that time.

"You sure?" he asked.

I nodded my head, making him sigh.

"All right." He paused. "You know that there won't be anyone there to protect you at school today, right?"

I nodded again. I knew that there was a high chance that I would show back at the pack house with bruises, but I didn't care. Today was my day.

Alpha Ryker nodded his head. "Then, good luck. I'll tell Tommy that you said happy birthday. I'm sorry that he's not here for you to tell himself."

I shrugged my shoulder before bowing my head, goodbye. I stayed silent and turned around, wanting to get out of there. I left him there, ready to get this day over with. Today was the day when I would finally be able to meet my wolf and mate.

I just hoped that my mate would accept and not reject me. However, deep down, I knew that he was going to reject me no matter what I did or say. I was destined to be the lowest member of the pack, even though I had Warrior and Beta blood in me.  

Accept Me or Reject Me. You Can't Do Both. (First book) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now