Chapter 4 (Edited)

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'You can't let anyone see you in this form, Young One,' a voice whispered in my head, causing me to look up from where I had been drinking some water.

'Hello?' I asked, warily flicking my ears back and forth. 'Who's there?' My whole body was tense, and I was ready to run at the sign of danger. I didn't want anyone to hurt me on my birthday, even though I had been hurt this morning.

The voice chucked, giving me comfort and peace. Trust filled my body for this mysterious figure, and I didn't know why I had trusted the figure so easily. 'I am called Cyra,' she said, soothingly. 'And, I am your Wolf.'

'And why can't I show people who I am?' I asked, frowning, glad that I had someone to talk to beside Tommy. I knew that I was going to have to play 'Dud' and be called weirder than I was all ready called. I knew that I was going to get beaten worse than I was, and even Tommy wouldn't be able to protect me. Hell, I was sure that he would join in.

Cyra growled, knowing where my thoughts were going. 'Don't worry, Child,' she cooed. 'You will not be living there any longer than you have to.'

I sighed and nodded my head before walking towards where I had had clothes all ready set out for after my shift. I had went to the same spot that I had usually went to when I wanted to be alone. Only Tommy and I knew where it was, and I hoped that it would stay that way. 'What will I tell my mate?' I asked. I hoped that I would be able to tell them that I could shift, but I knew that would be wishful thinking on my part.

'You tell them that you can not shift,' Cyra replied, whining. Sadness went through my body, and I knew that it was both of ours.

I sighed and shook out my body, feeling nervous and trying to get rid of the feeling of dread. I made it back to my spot and sat down, looking where I had hid my clothes. 'Ok, how do I shift?' I looked around, tensing because I could sense that someone was close by, and they were getting here quicker than I would've liked.

'Just think of your human body and quickly change into your clothing,' Cyra said, urgently. 'Someone is coming.'

I thought of how I looked beforehand and felt my bones going back to the way they were. Quickly, I changed into my clothing, not noticing that my eyesight had actually gotten better.

Something crashed through the bushes, just as I had pulled on my shirt.

I turned to look in the direction and saw a black wolf, dark as night itself looking at me with blazing blue eyes that stopped my heart beat because of the intensity of his stare. I squinted, pretending to need glasses. "W-wh-ho a-a-r-re y-you?" I asked, stuttering.

My whole body was tense, and I was basically on fight or flight mode, debating on which one I wanted to do. I knew that I wasn't much of a fighter, so at the first sign of danger, I was going to have to make a run for it.

'Mate,' Cyra howled just as he shifted into human form. Pity and sadness filled her howl, and I couldn't help but wonder if it wasn't supposed to be the opposite. Wasn't she happy that we had found our mate so soon?

I bit back a startled gasp, seeing the familiar outline of my best friend. "T-T-Tommy," I stuttered. I backed up when I saw the look of happiness before the look turned into disgust as he glanced me up and down.

"Sam," he said, his voice a bit husky and filled with a bit of disgust. He stepped towards me, and by instinct I moved away from him. "Did you shift?" Hurt flashed through his eyes, but it quickly changed into something else that I couldn't decipher.

My face turned red, and I glanced down. I made it look like that I hadn't and had just spent most of the time in pain. "I-I-" I stuttered. I didn't answer him but turned around and ran, not caring that I was running, blindly through the woods. Fear coursed through my body, and I knew that this might be the end to our beautiful friendship.

Oh, I how I wished that I could tell him that I had shifted.  


A/N: Awww. Poor Sam. :'( Who thinks that Sam will reject Tommy as her mate? Who thinks that Tommy will reject Sam as his mate? Or do you two ship all ready?

Tell me what ya'll think



Accept Me or Reject Me. You Can't Do Both. (First book) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now