Chapter 6 (Edited)

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The next morning came slower than molasses. I couldn't sleep, so I had been packing and repacking up my stuff, nervous. I didn't know what the future held for me, but I knew that I was going to have to live with the knowledge that I might have lost my best friend because he was my mate.

I huffed and got out of bed again around 6:30 in the morning. I was glad that I didn't have to wear glasses anymore, but I knew that I was going to have to for a little while. Thankfully, Alpha Ryker had some bulky looking glasses that were actually like sunglasses that I could borrow. "Come in," I called, hearing some shuffling at the door. "I'm awake, Alpha Ryker."

The door opened to reveal the male that had been like a father figure in my life. He had a playful, yet an amused scowl on his face while his arms were folded around his chest. "How many times did I tell you to call me something different?" he asked, raising an eyebrow, looking me up and down.

I shrugged and looked down, feeling slightly uncomfortable with his steely gaze. A small blush was on my face, because I knew that he wanted me to call him "Dad". It didn't help that he would be my father if Tommy accepts me. I shook my head and huffed, pushing that thought out of my mind. Cyra and I did not need to think about that.

Alpha Ryker sighed and pulled me into his arms. He whined like a kid, causing me to look up at him from where I had my head on his shoulder. "I hate this," he said with a mock pout. "You can now put your head on my shoulder."

I rolled my eyes and smiled. I didn't care when I was short, but I was glad to have grown some inches. "Why are you here?" I asked, cocking my head. "Alpha." I said this as an after thought, not wanting other members to hear that I didn't call him that.

He grunted and rolled his eyes, not commenting about the fact that I had called him "Alpha" again. "Kevin is here," he replied. "He'll be taking you to the White Moon Pack."

I sighed and nodded my head. I couldn't help but chew my lip, because I was nervous as to how they would act with me. Would they be the same as this pack and bully me? Or would they be able to see the real me and not the girl hiding behind wide rimmed glasses?

"They'll look after you," Alpha Ryker said, catching my torn look. He moved a hand through my hair and smiled, causing me to smile as well. "The Alpha knows that you are the next White Wolf. He'll protect you just as he protected your grandmother."

I sighed and nodded, feeling slightly better about going. "All right. Let's go."

Alpha Ryker nodded. He grabbed my stuff and walked out of the room, not looking back to see if I would follow.

I looked around the room one last time before stepping out and closing the door to my room. My heart felt a bit lighter, because it felt as if I was closing a bit of my past as well and moving into the future.

Let's just hope the future would be better than the past...


"Where do you think you are going?" someone asked behind me.

My whole body shivered as his voice drifted towards me, surrounding me and filling me with warmth. Moon Goddess, give me strength, I prayed before turning around to face my mate. I kept my face blank while he looked me up and down, shock apparent on his face because of my larger form. "Away from here," I replied, coldly.

Tommy narrowed his eyes, his blue eyes flashing a bit darker in anger. "And who said that you could?"

"Your father," I replied. "It doesn't help the fact that my mate doesn't want me." I spat, causing him to flinch and look guilty.

"It's just that..." He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Your mate doesn't want you, but he wants you. Does that make sense?"

I shook my head, putting a mask over my hurt. "Accept me or reject me. You can't do both." With that, I turned away and walked from him, leaving my heart broken at his feet. I just hoped that leaving here would help me find who I was and what I was supposed to do with my life.

So, when I got into the car after saying my goodbyes to Alpha Ryker and Luna Cala, I couldn't help but pray to the Moon Goddess for guidance as to what I needed to do with my life. And, I prayed that I would be stronger than I was if I ever came back.  


A/N: Time jump will happen next chapter.

Accept Me or Reject Me. You Can't Do Both. (First book) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now