Chapter 26 (Edited)

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Three days have passed since the meeting with Isaac and the small freak out, and I couldn't have been more antsy. I have been pushing myself and the others harder than before, knowing that it was almost time.

The wind was changing, blowing this way and that bringing despair and sorrow with it. It blew this way and that, giving me warnings of sleepless nights ahead. Danger screamed through the wind, causing my Wolf and I to snap way easier than normal.

So, that meant I had to fight way more than usual. And, that was what I had been doing for the past twenty minutes, because of stupid Thomas trying to get a feel on me.

I punched Jack in the face before ducking underneath Garrett's leg and rolled to the left. Sweat dripped from my forehead and blood dripped from my nose, a lucky hit by Toby. I sensed Toby behind me while I stood and did a roundhouse kick, hitting him in the stomach.

"Damn it, Sam," Toby groaned, clutching his stomach. "Did you have to kick so hard?"

I wiped my forehead, panting. "Sorry," I said, moving a hand through my sweaty hair. "I'm just so... ugh." I walked over to where water bottles were waiting for us and took a sip from it.

"What happened?" Cel asked from where she was sitting next to Robbie. Her head was in his lap and her feet were hanging from the other end.

I sat down and huffed, my nerves spiking up a bit. "Thomas being a fucking asshole," I replied. "I don't know if he is drunk or not, but he was feeling me up."

"Heat is almost happening for you," Jack said from where he was sitting on the ground, holding his nose. He grimaced and moved to his side. "I think you bruised a rib again."

"Sorry not sorry," I said with a smirk, causing him to growl playfully at me. I again moved a hand through my hair and sighed. "I'm glad that Kerri is coming. She'll be able to get me a pill to stop the heat for a while."

"I thought heat pills didn't work," Cel said. She frowned and glared playfully at me. "Or that is what you told me."

"They are not to be used by regular wolves, unfortunately," I replied. "White Wolves, and the generation the white wolf gene skips, go through heat at the age of sixteen. It doesn't matter if they have a mate or not."


"To keep the generations going," Jack said. He sat down beside me, scowling. "Sam's grandmother was 100 when she had met her mate and had Felicity."

"Seriously?" Toby asked from where he had been laying on the floor. He moved his arm off of his face and turned to look at us. "Why was she so old?"

"My grandfather wasn't born," I replied, shrugging my shoulder. "White Wolves are sort of immortal until their apprentice has been trained."

"You said that White Wolves didn't complete their training early," Robbie said, mentioning what Jack had said to Isaac. "Why?" He looked at me, raising an eyebrow. "And did you complete your training?"

I nodded my head. "I completed it in two years. Sometimes it takes White Wolves to find their element calling in like six years. That is when the fun training begins."

"When did you find yours?" Cel asked. "And what is it?"

"They. Unlike others, I have two. I control air and water. I found out that I could control them about seven weeks after Austin died and learned how to control them in about five months." I sighed and shook my head. "I knew that I had powers, but I didn't know how to control them nor know what they were when Austin was killed."

"And this is where I come in to stop the conversation," someone said by the door. Uncle Ryker looked at us with a raised eyebrow. He studied all of us before looking at me. "Your friend is here," he said. "I got someone contacting me that a female was riding Thomas, screaming 'You spin me right round, baby'." He frowned, confused.

I looked at Jack and smirked. "Harley Quinn mode activated?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

Jack snickered and nodded. "Let's save that dumb ass mate of yours from her clutches. She'll wear him to the ground."

"I don't know who she is, but I like her already," Cel said, hopping from where she was laying. She grinned. "I want to see her ride him into the ground." She started to run up the steps followed by the rest of us to see this weird sight.


The first thing that we heard when we got there was horrible singing and growls. The sight was just as funny as the sound. A female, with crazy red hair, sat on top of my mate. One hand was in the air, holding the other Wolves in place.

I bit back a laugh at the sight, not really fazed with her sitting on my mate. "You need to work on your singing," I called out, causing the female, Kerri, to stop and look at me.

"Sam!" she exclaimed, hopping off of Thomas. She ran towards me and pulled me into a bear hug, causing me to groan out in annoyance. A look of disgust was evident on her face when she pulled away. "You are all sweaty and bloody. What happened?"

"I got pissed," I replied, kicking at the dirt. I cocked my head and raised an eyebrow. My question was clear. I was wondering if she felt the tension in the air like I did.

Kerri frowned and nodded her head, letting me know that she felt it as well. A smile appeared on her face while she took the sight of the three people that had worse injuries than me. "Such a good fighter," she praised before waving at Jack. "Hello, Jack. How are you?"

"All right, Ms. Kerri," Jack said. "And yourself?" There was some odd reason for Jack to call Kerri, Ms. Kerri, and I had no idea what the reason was. I didn't know if he was too intimidated by her to call anything else, even though I called her just Kerri and survived.

She scowled, but I could see the good humor in her eyes. "I will make you call me just Kerri by using magic," she warned, pointing a finger at him.

"No you won't," I replied.

Kerri turned her gaze to me and pouted. "You are no fun," she complained. She huffed and shook her head, trying to keep a smile off her face. "It's a shame. You used to be fun."

"Not when it came to my friend and Alpha," I said, putting emphasis on "Alpha" while looking at my mate. "'Sides, we have things to discuss. Do you have the stuff?"

Kerri nodded her head. "My great-grandfather wants to apologize and asked me to tell you that he will send some people to help. Now, shall we hold this meeting?" She glanced at my group of friends and smiled. "And with them as well?"

"What about me?" Thomas asked, causing Cyra to growl out. "You can't hold a meeting without me."

I gritted my teeth together and clenched my hands together to form fists. I wanted to punch him so bad until his head spins, but I knew that would be animal abuse. I looked at him, knowing anger and hatred filled my eyes. "Watch me," I said, warning him not to follow me. And with that, I turned to the pack house and walked away from them.

I heard Kerri mutter a small spell under her breath and heard a yelp from Thomas. "That will last a couple of hours," she said. "Be glad that I didn't do anything else."  

Accept Me or Reject Me. You Can't Do Both. (First book) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now