Chapter 7 (Edited)

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In two years, things can change. Two years can make or break you, and it can sometimes be tough. Two years can mean that you have new friends, a new lover, or even a new job. Two years can change the appearance of a person and make them feel better about themselves, even if it was just for a little while.

Two years to me, meant six new best friends, a new hair cut, pretending to have contacts, and a new position of being Gamma. I didn't have a boyfriend, nor was I dating anyone. I just couldn't bring myself to do cheat on Tommy as he did to me.

I didn't know if I would ever go back to that pack, but when Uncle Ryker had called and asked for assistance from this pack, I jumped on the opportunity of going. I mean, I was one hell of a fighter, defeating my grandmother in the first month of us training together. I learned that the White Wolf was more of a teacher than anything else, and they guarded those that needed to be guarded. In other words, I was the Guardian of the Wolf, just like Star Lord and his group were Guardians of the Galaxy. Umm.. spoiler alert?

"I can't believe that you really want to do this, Sam," one of my "new" best friends said, jumping up onto my bed, knocking our young Alpha onto the floor. She smiled cheekily at Jack before looking back at me. "I mean, he was a douche to you."

I sighed and scooted over some and away from Celeste, the only best girl friend that I had. "Ya, well, I am going. I need to. It's my job." I fiddled with the necklace that my grandmother had given me that had been passed down through the white wolves. "'Sides, I miss my aunt and uncle."

"If you had missed them, then you would've left after a year," Jack grumbled, teasingly. He shoved me closer to Celeste and laid down on my other side. His gray eyes sparked with humor and adoration. It was no secret that he thought of me as a sister and treated me like one.

"Shut up, Jack," one of my other friends and Beta of the pack, Kirk, said. He laid on my feet, next to his twin brother, Barker. "You are the one that was trying to beg her to stay with subtle gestures and words."

I snickered while Jack just huffed and rolled his eyes. "He's right," I teased. "You've had your fair share trying to get me to stay after training. I just agreed because he has been..." I winced when I felt the familiar pains of him having sex with someone.

Jack huffed and grabbed my hand. He squeezed it, giving me some comfort as my mate had sex. "Have you decided what you wanted to do with him?" he asked, utter disgust in his voice.

I shrugged. "I don't know... I just..." I took a deep breath and let it out in a mournful sigh. "I just keep on thinking that we have a chance. When he sees me tomorrow..." I shook my head and chuckled darkly. I was a huge romantic when it came to him. I thought that if he saw my face, then he would fall quickly in love with me and take me as his mate.

"That happens in fairy tales," Celeste said, knowing where my thoughts had turned. She grabbed my other hand and sighed. "I really think that you should reject him. I mean, he doesn't deserve someone as good as you."

"Here, here," the gang chorused throwing up their hands.

I shrugged and sighed. "I know, I know. Now, why don't we plan something? It is our last free night, and I do not want to be stuck in."

"Well, we are definitely not going to a bar. Someone can't handle their liquor."

"Hey, that was my first time drinking," I said. "And, someone did spike that drink."

"Who knew you could dance, Sam," Garrett teased. He laid on the couch thing that I had in my room, which served as a storage place as well. He lifted his head and looked at me, smirking. His blue eyes had a spark of wild in them with his blonde hair waving in that bad boy look.

Accept Me or Reject Me. You Can't Do Both. (First book) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now