Chapter 17 (Edited)

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Clapping startled me out of the peaceful state that my powers had brought me to. I turned towards the door to see both my uncle and Jack standing there, one looking proud and the other in shock.

"What the fuck?" I asked, glaring at both of them. I could see that the door was closed, but I didn't know if anyone passing by saw me use my powers. "Why are you in my room?"

"To bring you food and get the meeting started," Jack said. He looked at my uncle to see him still in awe. "I think your uncle is broken."

I bit back a snort and rolled my eyes, before lifting a pillow off the bed and slamming it into his face.

Jack flinched and growled, rubbing his nose. "Damn it, Sam," he muttered, glaring at me. He grabbed the pillow and tossed it back onto the bed, not even trying to hit me with it. "That hurts, no matter how soft a pillow is."

"Then don't be dumb," I replied, rolling my eyes. "That was the first time I used a power in front of him."

"A-A power? How many do you have?" Uncle Ryker asked, still in shock. Worry filled his eyes, and I could tell that he was thinking that I was dangerous to my sister and his mate. He cleared his throat and shook his head, trying to get rid of whatever image his mind had conquered up.

'Don't laugh,' I chastised Jack when he snorted in amusement. 'Remember when you first found out that I had powers?' I raised an eyebrow at him,

Jack's eyes widened and his face paled a little before clearing his throat. He didn't say a word, not really wanting me to go into detail as to how he had acted when he first learned that I had powers to control water and air.

'So shush,' I said, smirking. "Two," I told my uncle, watching as he relaxed a bit from his tensed state. "I can control water and air."

Uncle Ryker nodded his head. "If you don't do it in front of me, I'll be fine."

I bit back a snort and rolled my eyes. I was probably going to have to do them in front of him if he wanted to watch me train. It wasn't like I couldn't practice my powers. If I didn't, then I knew that I would probably suck. "Now, are we going to hold the meeting here or the office?" I asked changing the subject.

"Office," he said, sending me a grateful look for the change of topic. "Shall we go now?"

I nodded and stood, stretching out my back. I couldn't help but let out a small sigh of relief when it popped, glad that I had had some pressure relieved from there. "We shall." And with that, we started to walk towards the office.


"So, when did you discover that Sam was the White Wolf?" Uncle Ryker asked Jack, leaning against his desk. He glanced between us, waiting for one of us to speak about this information.

Jack and I looked at each other before looking at him. "About a week after she came to my pack," he replied. He rubbed the back of his neck, sheepishly. "I kinda walked in on her training and attacked her..."

"I was able to pin him down, and he became my designated fighter," I said. I smirked at Jack. "I beat him a couple of times, earning the respect of his Wolf and himself."

Uncle Ryker smirked, and I could see the pride in his eyes to know that his daughter had been able to beat a young Alpha. "Has he beaten you at all?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

Jack nodded his head, grimly. "Before my old Gamma's brother... died, I was able to beat her all the time. After he died... Sam started to train a hell of a lot more than she had been, only stopping for school, minimum sleep, a little bit of food, and using the restroom."

I looked down at my hands, not wanting to meet my uncle's gaze. No matter how much people had told me it wasn't my fault that he died, I couldn't help but think that it was. I couldn't help but think that it was my fault because of my bloodline and not having any good training.

The people, that had killed him, knew that I was the White Wolf and I was barely training. They knew that I didn't know what powers I had and used that to their advantage of trying to kidnap me and use me against my family. And, if it wasn't for Austin, Toby's brother, I would've been kidnapped and used.

Warmth flooded through me as someone took me into their arms. One sniff of the person's scent told me that it was my uncle, so I just buried myself into it.

Tears threatened to fall out, but I knew I couldn't let them fall. I couldn't show that weakness to my uncle. I couldn't let him know that I was still a child in this world with baggage that could fill a whole cart.

"Let them out," he muttered, rubbing my back in circles. He took a shuddering breath, probably hating how I was on the verge of tears. "Don't hold them in. It is alright to cry in front of people."

His soothness and his warmth broke the final wall of the dam. He muttered soothing nothings into my ear as I cried out my pain, anger, and guilt, in front of someone, for the first time in 2 years.  

Accept Me or Reject Me. You Can't Do Both. (First book) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now