Chapter 16 (Edited)

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"Babe, why are we sitting here with the Outcasts?" Miranda, Amanda's sister's name, asked in that nasally voice that I hated. She placed her hand on his arm and squeezed, pouting, which did not look good on her. "Can we move over to where my sister and Sam's used to be best friend are sitting? I really would like you to get to know them. Thomas is such a great guy."

Three barely audible growls sounded through the chatter, one of them coming from Derek. The rest of them just glared at her, and I knew that if I didn't do anything, then they wouldn't do anything either. I watched as Miranda flinch and took her hand off of his arm. Fear flickered through her eyes, and I could tell that she wasn't comfortable.

"I would like to stay here," he said, cooly. He stabbed at his food, and I knew that he was annoyed with the way his mate was treating me. "She has been one of my greatest friends when she came to the pack, and I am not going leave here," he added.

Miranda scoffed and rolled her eyes. She sent me a disgusted look, causing Garrett to tense up. "I don't even know why you are even hang out with a parent killer," she muttered under her breath.

"Ya, because a seven year old is capable of killing two grown people that are Beta's," Cel said, sarcastically.

Miranda scoffed again, and again rolled her eyes. She looked down and looked away from us. "I just don't want to hang out with her," she said. "She is too fat, doesn't look good, nor does she have actual friends."

I pushed the food towards Garrett, not really hungry. Anger and hurt filled my system, even though I knew what she said wasn't true. I knew that they weren't using me, and yet, there was this one small part that thought they were.

"I'm... going to go to my room," I said. I stood and cleared my throat, trying to keep in the bottled emotions that I so wanted to realise on her. "Excuse me." And with that, I left, not caring that I could feel almost every eye on me.


I walked into my room and shut the door behind me. I leaned my head against the door and sighed, locking the door. I walked into the middle of my room, smiling a bit when I spotted my bag on my bed. Thank you, Jack, I thought, knowing that he was the one that had brought them up.

I shook my head and sat down, still in the middle of my room, cross-legged. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before letting it out. As soon as I let out my breath of air, I opened my eyes and concentrated on the air around around me.

Paper and everything that wasn't tied down flew around the room, making it into a small tornado around me. The wind blew around my hair, blowing it into my face.

I could tell that my power was stronger than it had been because of my emotions. Basically, this was a safe way to let out my emotions without hurting anyone, nor myself.

After a few minutes of concentrating on my power over air, I placed everything back where it had been. My whole body was relaxed, and I knew that I couldn't live without using my powers once or twice a day.  

Accept Me or Reject Me. You Can't Do Both. (First book) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now