~Chapter Seven~

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Katie's P.O.V

The blonde introduced himself as Niall, as he stood up and leant over the table to stretch his hand out for the pair of us to shake. Which Harry and I both do so.

"We're just here to ask some questions and hopefully, you have some answers." I said, pointing towards him.

"For you, doll face, anything." He replied, sending a quick wink towards me and then invited for us to sit.

I smiled softly, a light shade of red tinting my cheeks. He was so suave and charming, very gentleman like. I glanced at Harry, who subtly rolled his eyes at Niall's comment. What's his problem?

"Whiskey? Tequila? What's your poison?" Niall adds, prompting towards the mini bar that was located across the room.

"Oh, I would love a drink... but not while on duty. Thank you for the offer anyway," I beamed, but shook my head as a no.

"Ah, then maybe I could take you out for a drink instead when you're not on duty?" He suggested, a strong and thick Irish accent being clear in his voice. I nodded and went to open my mouth to reply, but I was soon interrupted by another voice.

"No, you can't. She isn't here to find a fuck buddy, she's here with me to get answers. Isn't that right, Kat?" Harry cut across, his tone was presumptuous and arrogant. He scowled at Niall a little bit as he rubbed his chin.

"I believe that is her choice, officer." Niall laughed Harry's comment off, before gazing at me with a cheeky grin as he shot another wink to me; causing a light giggle to fall from my lips. I soon stopped when I noticed Harry sending me a glare, like his eyes were daggers. He didn't seem impressed at all, especially at my lack of professionalism at the moment. But, do you blame me? It's not everyday a good-looking lad offers to take you out.

"Uh, anyway, yeah. My partner here is right, we're wanting some answers." I state, attempting to maintain my professional and serious act. Niall nodded once as he stood, waltzing over to the mini bar in the corner of the room.

"Proceed, I'm all ears. Ask away," he coo's, grabbing a glass bottle from the bar as he began pouring himself a drink. "Although, I'm not sure if I'll be able to answer."

He walked back to his chair once he had a drink, a rusty brown coloured alcoholic substance filling the small glass. He sat back with his legs crossed, drink in one hand whilst he lit another cigarette with the other.

"Getting straight to the point, what were you doing between the hours of 10:00pm and 2:00AM on Saturday 14th of this month?" Harry questioned, "I'm guessing you were here. Correct?"

"Of course; like most nights. What do you expect? I'm the owner of this place, so obviously," Niall gushed, narrowing his brows towards Harry; staring straight at him.

"Wonderful! Then you'll be able to tell us who this is, won't you?" He replied.

Harry slid some images from CCTV cameras of the suspected male from outside the club and the crime scene from the latest victim; showing the glass sticking out of the poor woman's lifeless body, along the table. A pompous smirk lay on his mouth while he pointed around the images, rambling on about how we was seen holding a glass bottle and how he was regular visitor to the club. I zoned out slightly, other thoughts beginning to rush through my mind - how could anyone brutally kill someone? What did these unfortunate victims do to deserve something so tragic. Do they not think about their families either? They're bound to be devastated, heart-broken, like their whole world has come crashing down. This infuriates me and only makes me more determined to catch the sick, twisted bastard even more. To lock him up and throw away the key, allow them to rot in some dirty, grubby jail cell for the rest of their days.

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