~Chapter Twenty-One~

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Harry's P.O.V

I just got off the phone with Kate and it was really, really upsetting. She really thinks I'm the murderer? I thought she was my best-friend, she's supposed to trust me. Or has the term "best-friend" lost it's meaning?

Anyways, enough about her... Pennsylvania isn't all that bad. Kind of chilly and I think Mother Nature is on her period or something. One day it was like 30 degrees Fahrenheit and then today it was in the 60's? In London, it's just one temperature practically everyday. It's weird counting with Fahrenheit... I'm so use to everything London.

I guess that's what happens when you go to a new place.

As of right now, I was walking around downtown Philadelphia and it is really, really sketchy. It's kind of scary too, but I mean. It's not that bad, yeah... Yet.

I'm a cop, but not in the United States. I look down at the clothes I had on and they were really comfortable. A lot of girls keep looking at me, like they've never seen a guy in red plaid, tight jeans, and brown boots. I mean don't the Americans wear stuff like this? Maybe not the guys, but the girls do. Except half of the outfits I've seen so far have consisted of the following: Leggings, sweatshirts, and VANs which is some shoe brand that's really big.

Enough with my observations, I'm here to relax. No Katie, no drama, no fighting, just peace and quiet. I was staying in some hotel that was down the block I was walking along. I continue looking around, taking in the sights and letting out sighs.

I missed London. I missed Katie, my mum, my sister, and even the people I work with. But no, to everyone in London, I'm just some person who kills people. I'm not a murderer. I didn't mean to hit Sarah, she jumped in front of me, it was her fault..

Wait, wait, hold up Styles. Stop thinking about London. Focus on PA, yeah! I shake my head free from the thoughts, but the thought of seeing Katie when I got back made me sick. She really thinks I killed someone, I put the evidence in the car, and so many other things. Yeah, I've been a dick and I've been off lately, but that's due to Sarah cheating on me...

I turn into the hotel I was staying at and go to the elevator, pressing the button. I arrive to my floor and walk to my room, unlocking the door and opening it. I close the door behind me and lean my back on the door.

Don't break down, don't break down...

I take a deep breath and slide down the door, putting my face in my hands. I let out a quiet sob and sniffle lightly. I lean my head back onto the door and look at the couch that was sitting in the living room. Flashbacks. Sudden flashbacks of Sarah and I. Of Lindsey and I. Fuck.

I close my eyes and shake my head, trying to get the memories out of my head, but yet here they were; etched into my mind and not coming out. I open my eyes and wipe the tears off my face with my shirt. I bite my lip and clench my fists, trying to do my best to calm down.

That's one thing I never liked about myself. I always have been emotional, an emotional bastard. Once I start crying, I feel like I never can stop. I don't think I've ever cried this much in my life. Why was everything getting put on me? Why was I losing everyone I love and trust?

What did I do to deserve this? The last time I checked, I gave money to a homeless guy on the street maybe an hour ago... I even bought him a sandwich from McDonald's. I wished him luck and continued walking. He blessed me, or so he says he did.

What bad thing have I done that was recent? Be a dick to Katie? Not tell her what was wrong with me? Not tell anyone? What have I done? I do my job, my work, pay my bills, provide extra money to people who need it more than myself, and so much more. Yet here I was, running away from my problems and being called... Sick, sick names. Sick names that I shouldn't be called. I don't deserve all of this pressure on me or this stress.

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