~Chapter Twenty-Nine~

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Harry's P.O.V

I lead Katie through an assortment of paths through the wooded area. We could've drove the car back, since it is wide enough area. Hopefully no one wants to steal a cop car, plus I have the key.

No one really comes back to this campground now a days. I remember the first time I ever came here. God, I was scared a bear was gonna eat me! My mum played a trick on me and dressed as a bear. I was in the tent and she comes around to mine and starts shaking it and growling. I peed my pants, if I'm being honest here.

I miss when I was younger. Everything was so much easier, so much more simple. You didn't have to worry about what to wear, how to talk, learning how to use your hips, and you kept importantly didn't have to worry about relationships and feelings.
Now I'm 23, going on 24. I have to deal with so many issues in the world and I have to worry about how to show or hide my feelings.
Yes, I'll admit that I think I do have feelings for Katie, but she'd never date me. Most importantly not after our one-night stand.

As I continue walking and thinking, Katie comes up to me and pokes my arm. I remove the thoughts from my head and look down at her, "yeah?" I ask. My voice was soft and quiet, but it was strong.

She looks at me and stops walking. I stop walking and turn my body to her. I keep my eyes down onto her, raising my eyebrow.

"Are you alright, H?" She asks and takes her bottom lip between her teeth.

That's fucking seductive, God.

I nod my head and shrug, "I'm alright, why?" I finish and rub my neck.

"You're being really quiet and you didn't respond to me whenever I asked you something," she explains and puts her hair up in a messy-bun.

"Oh sorry, yeah. Just a lot on my mind. What'd you ask?" I ask her rather fast. I didn't wanna tell her what I was thinking about. Hopefully she doesn't even ask me!

She looks at me and just nods her head. Oh thank God, she didn't continue. I smile softly at her and keep walking.

A few minutes later, we were still walking.

"Harryyyyyy," Katie whines, causing me to look at her over my shoulder.

"Katieeee," I mock her and put a hand on my hip. "What is it, bitch?" I joke.

Katie gasps and hits my back. "You're a dick," she mutters and fakes a frown. "My feet hurt, can we just camp out right here?" She whines and looks at me with hope in her eyes.

"Katie, we've been walking for 10 minutes..." I tell her and laugh lightly. She groans and sits down on the ground, looking up at me.

"I don't wanna walk anymore!" Kat says, not moving from the ground. I groan and place the camping stuff on the ground in front of me. I turn and pick her up bridal style. Once she's in my arms, I grab the camping things as well, carrying both Kat and the equipment.

"Better?" I ask her as she wraps her arms around my neck.

"Better. How are you carrying me though? I'm like 500 pounds," she claims. I laugh and shake my head, completely disagreeing.

"You're as light as a feather, child."

"Are not."

"Are too."

"Are not!!"

"Are too!!"

We argued for a little, but then she finally gave up and rested her head on my shoulder blade. After 20 minutes, we finally reach the camp ground and I set the stuff on the ground. I look at my arms and see Katie sleeping peacefully.

"Of course..." I whisper and sigh lightly. I gently set Katie on the ground. I then shrug my jacket off and place it over her body. I move to the side of her and start setting up the tent and such. It was a kind of chilly night, but I'll be alright. Katie can have my jacket and the blankets.

I finish setting up the tent and move everything into the tent, nodding at our little campground. I move back to Katie and pick her up gently and carry her to the tent. I bend down and go into the tent, placing her down on the blankets. I grab another blanket and cover her up, keeping my jacket on her.

Once she's as comfortable as I can make her, I lay down and lay on my side. I sit up and zip the door to the tent shut, before opening my little zippered window and looking at the stars.

I move the blanket I was using up onto me a little bit more and then roll onto my back, after zipping the window shut. I take a deep breath in and let it out.

I close my eyes and try falling asleep, but Katie rolls closer to my body and rests her hand on my chest. I open an eye and look at her hand. My muscles were tense and I relax them, biting my lip lightly.

I hesitantly wrap my arm around her shoulders, allowing her to curl up into my side.

We're just friends. That's all we ever will be. We'll wake up and she'll be on the far side of the tent and not touching me...

As much as I wished for that to happen, I was hoping it wouldn't. I liked cuddling Katie.

It relaxes me...
Sup guys. It's almost 11 at night here and I just now finished this chapter!

Talk about Karry being cute AF. The little arguing, jacket sharing and the cuddling. It's adorable.

Do you think Harry should tell Katie about his feelings for her yet? Or should he wait?

What if she doesn't even feel the same and it's all been a lie, this ENTIRE story?

Thank you for 1k reads and over 500 votes!

Please continue reading, voting and sharing our story.

I can't believe it's gonna be thirty chapters already!

Goodnight, my lovelies!

~Double K

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