Chapter 46:BARN

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I can feel my self cry and my heart breaking as I see you with her


As the car came to a stop I opened the door and got out and so did the others as I looked down my eyes travelled to the Bench with something written on it

I didn't know it felt like something was forcing me to go dragging me towards it as my feet walked towards it as I saw the dusty mud stuck on it I removed it and then I read what it said

"Caden+Abby"it said with a heart around them so it meant they came her before I frowned as it hurt knowing I can never go in the past and meet him before he met her
"Sappy are you coming"I heard Jamie's voice I turned and smiled

"Coming"I yelled as I ran towards them
As Caden rang the bell and the door opened to reveal a elder women she had short grey hair blue eyes wrinkly face with a little freckles which you wouldn't see until you were close enough

She looked a lot like hanna so I expect her to me Hanna's mother she squealed as she saw Caden "It's been ages since I saw you son and you bought her"she said as she looked at my I smiled "Abby dear"she said I frowned as she was talking about her ...

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She looked a lot like hanna so I expect her to me Hanna's mother she squealed as she saw Caden
"It's been ages since I saw you son and you bought her"she said as she looked at my I smiled
"Abby dear"she said I frowned as she was talking about her she moved past me and hugged his granny

"Hey gran I missed you too"she said as she pulled away and smiled
"Are they your friends son"she asked
"Hi I am Tyler this is Jamie my mate"he as he wrapped his hands around Jamie
"I am Roman my mate Natalie"he said as granny nodded
"Miley my mate Danny"she said smiling widely
She looked at me smiling and I smiled back
"I am sapphire"I said she nodded smiling
"Please come in"she said and we all nodded walking in

"William come inside look who's here"she yelled at that's when a man her age came and looked exactly like Caden he gasped and stretched his arms and hugged
"Abby dear you've been looking after my son well"he said I frowned

"Sir can you please show us our rooms"
Sammy said and they nodded as the mates got there own room
I looked at Caden who didn't say anything so I just walked off to my room as he had to sleep with Abby I closed the door and tears slipped it hurt knowing your mate is right beside you but so far from your heart

I couldn't take it and I ran out


I knocked on sapphires door I know she was upset I felt it and I was stressing her out but when she didn't reply I narrowed my eyes and opened the door to find the room empty

"Sapphire"I called out but I heard no answer which started to freak me out as I walked down stairs finding her
"Granny have you seen sapphire"I asked and nodded
"I saw her looking depressed and ran out towards the end so towards the barn"she said and I nodded running towards the barn

I knew every way since father mother and I always came here when we were little when I came I heard sniffing and I followed and saw her hugging her legs as she cried I sat beside her and wrapped my hands around her

"I hate you"she whispered before getting Up to walk away but I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back to my hard chest
"You don't mean it I know because you wouldn't be crying"I whispered
"Your right and that's what hurts that your don't love me"she cried and ran off

But I did I loved her from every inch of my heart why does she keep runny


I stared at them as they spoke I couldn't figure out what but I saw sapphire cry I hid as she ran and left Caden standing there frozen

I love him and I will have him back this is my chance to get what I deserve and need I need him I want him and I love him

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