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"You look buff if I was a guy I would totally take you right her and fuck you"she said and I rolled my eyes as we bursted out laughing that's how she really is
"Let go"I said and she nodded as we got in the car I was waiting for her to start driving but she did I looked at her and she was already staring at me

"Are you okay"I asked and she smirked
"So how is it like in the past know"she said and my eyes flew wide how did she know

"How do you know?"I asked


"How do you know"I asked as I looked into her eyes trying to find out how she knew
"Because I came from the future dumbo  scarlet the witch sent me to tell you that you only have one day left"she told me and I frowned time was going and I don't know what will happen if he still goes for Abby me and my pup will die

Thinking about my pup dying just pained me even more although at this moment I had nothing inside me but in the real world out side this past in the present meaning the future me and Caden has a unborn baby coming on the way

"Nat if I don't make it through promise me one thing"I said she looked at me narrowing her eyes and thinking about what I was going to say but I had to do this if I couldn't make it through I couldn't let my pup die

"Which is"she asked as she placed a hand on my own
"Transfer my baby into your stomach you don't need to do anything after that Caden can look after the baby but please don't let it die"I pleaded I could see the pain in her eyes she took her hands away

"You want me to be his or hers surrogate mother"she said and I nodded she looked into my eyes and frowned
"Please do it for me your Luna your best friend I want him or her too see the future which I won't be able to see I want it to live my life me seeing them live will make me think I am alive do it for my peace in the grave"I cried as she pulled me into a hug tightly which returned

"Although knowing you will make it through but I promise I will transfer the baby into me if you don't make it I'll give it the mothers love I'll be it's god mother and tell him stories about you and how beautiful King loving person you are and always will be"she said as we filled away tears fell from her eyes and we both wiped each other's tears

"Enough of this how is Caden over there"I asked she frowned and looked away
"He's broken he doesn't eat or drink he completely broken and Abby well she's in the cell you need to make it Caden will die with out you and Miley has been acting weird Sammy has been going far as possible from Danny"she said and I nodded knowing Sam and Danny dated

"You know Sam and Danny dated"I said and her eyes widened in shock
"No wonder she feels awkward  any way I need to go I had just come here to tell you this its my time to say good bye and meet your body which is currently in Coma but the baby is fine it has a huge bump in it your like 2 to 3 months pregnant"she said and I giggled and then cried as I hugged her

"Bye"I said and got out I waved her good bye as she speeded down the road I really do hope I make it but if I don't I know my best friend is there for me and always will be

"Sapphire"I heard my voice as I turned towards my voice there he stood frozen I wiped my tears

If I'm Your Mate Then Who Is She!  (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now