Chapter Two: L€T M€ DI€!

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A young troll, likely just out of her pupitation stage, with a ruphley stitched hood stood on a large rock just outside of a large cave looking up at the skys of Alternia, her eyes full of wonder and unknownity of what was actually out there within this world. This young troll had a lusus that had protected her till the end of time, she didn't remember very much, but her lusus had told her that she had been rescued from death from another troll by the lusus. The troll child had never really believed fully at what her lusus had told her, but she would always know some of it was at least true!
Looking around, the child jumped down from the rock and ran into the cave where the large sleeping white, glowing red eyed wyvern lusus lay, one claw the size of the young troll! "Wyversprite!" The child smiled as she looked at her lusus with a big smile, three sharp teeth showing on each side, making it kind of look like she had horns in her mouth, but smaller.
The large reptilian lusus' eyes opened slightly as it stared at its 'grub'. "Child, Go €xloring, G£in £ ₩€£pon Or T₩o," The lusus spoke before closing it's eye back up and the child whimpering quietly as she slouched, her eyes sparking a bit before looking around and running out of the cave, she figured that her lusus meant to go buy some kind of weapon from the local weapons market in a nearby town.
So the young troll ran towards a nearby settlement with many lowbloods and a few medium bloods. The troll child seemed to have no sign, which was different in the troll suciety, but she did, she had it slightly showing on her shoes that seemed to be uncomfortable, though it didn't phase her at that point. Also, the young troll's blood wasn't visible at all, it was hidden.. As the troll ran to the settlement, she slowed as she got closer and looked around, "₩h£t ₩£s I G€tting £g£in..." She murmured under her breath as she thought for a minute before remembering, 'Oh ¥€£h! ₩€£pons, ₩¥v€rsprit€ Told M€ I Should G€t Som€!' The troll thought as she ran to the market of weapons.
When the troll arrived at the market, she looked up at the rust blood that was running the market and took a slight breath before speaking, "C£n I G€t £ P£ir Of Du£l Kniv€s?" She asked as the troll took out a pair of knives that were dull. Looking at the knives, the young troll took a slight breath before nodding, "Th£nks......" She grabbed the knives and put a small bag of gold on the counter; it was likely the right amount.. The young troll quickly turned around and began to walk away from the settlement before, what looked like a kind of yellow blood came up to me and gave me some kind of writing, "herE! takE thiS, you'lL.. uM, jusT comE," The yellow blood said before running off to give another troll a paper. Not even looking at the paper, she stuffed it into one of her pockets within her jacket-like cloak before beginning to run back to where she anitionally was going to go before the troll had stopped her to give her some paper! "Th£t ₩£s ₩€ird... I'll Sho₩ It To ₩¥v€rsprit€ ₩h€n I G€t B£-" Before the young troll could finish her sentence she was murmuring to herself, she heard large screeching and growling as well as smelling fire and blood..
The young troll immediately began to run to the spot the noise was coming from and held her breath when she saw what was happening, "NO!" She screamed as she saw her lusus, Wyversprite getting brutally murdered by highbloods and even a few seadwellers..
Taking deep breaths, the young troll stood between a couple of trees mostly hidden, petrified in horror and fear as she watched her loving lusus slowly get murdered.. "₩h¥......" She murmured to herself as she watched as the highbloods left, luckily not seeing her or else she'd be as good as her lusus at that point.
The troll ran over to her barely living lusus which was huge compared to her. The lusus was an incredibly large wyvern that was likely powerful at times but not always.. "₩-₩¥v€rspirt€?????? £r€ ¥ou Ok£¥? P-pl€£s€ T€ll M€ ¥ou'r€ Still Th€r€!" She began to cry, her now visible pure mutant mint blood showing as she fell to her knees in front of her lusus and hugged it's huge muzzle and closed her eyes as she cryed more and more..
"P-pl€£s€.." She said quietly as she heard nothing and after a while, the young troll stopped and could barely breath as she got up and looked at the knives she had bought and took a breath and closed her eyes before opening them, "I Don't ₩£nt To Liv€ ₩ithout ¥ou Mom!" She screamed as her mint blood colored tears fell down her cheek and onto the grass and she dropped her knives and sniffed before hugging her lusus for the last time and picking up her knives slowly as she took off her cloak and through it over her lusus' bleeding scratched eye.
The young troll had a black long sleeved shirt on with many scratches on the fabric that made her look like a peasant, she held one of her knives in her hand and began to carve out the sign she and her lusus had made together onto her stomach which was bleeding incredibly now.. "I'll H£v€ ¥ou ₩ith M€..." She said with pain running down her spine before finally resting slightly from her being done carving her sign into her own skin which her black shirt was soaked with blood, "₩h€n I Di€." The troll gulped as she ran to a nearby river which was barely the color of a normal river.
"I'll S€€ ¥ou Th€r€," She murmured and jumped into the river and in the river, she began to suicide before losing her breath completely and shaking her head quickly and coming out of the water a bit but the current was stong, "Ch£ng€ M¥ Mind! Som€on€!" She screamed and it was insanely hard to stay above water as she kept bobbing in and out with no held in getting out; sharp rocks cutting her skin even more as she hoped someone would come..
A troll with a cloak anr nub-like horns with bright candy red stitches holding the cloak together heard the young troll shouting over the current. He looked around frantically, making sure no high bloods were around. He ran up towards the river bank and as soon as she floated up, he reached in and pulled her out and onto shore
Getting pulled out of the water, the young troll coughed out some of the water as well as her mutant bloods as she gulped before looking up at the troll and stared a bit confused, though there was relief in eyes, "T-th£nk ¥ou," She said as she took deep breaths, her stomach ripped and bleeding and shook a bit from the continuous blood loss.
He sighed, pulling off his cloak and wrapping it around her. Not only for warmth, but for protection as well. He carefully hoisted her up like a child and carried her back to his camp.
Taking a breath, her eyes closed as she went nearly fully unconscious, her breathing heavy as her closed eyes gave out a few sparks before none.
After a few hours, she woke up on a bed, made entirely of pelts from creatures. It was soft and very comfy. Her stomach was clean and wrapped and all the blood she'd been covered in before was gone. She was wearing nicer, comfier clothes
Opening her eyes slowly, she twitched slightly before slowly sitting up and looking down at her stomach which she couldn't really see from the straps, "Wo£h," She murmured as she looked around as stretched slightly despite still feeling pain which ran down her spite, "H€llo?" She asked as she looked around.
The troll that had helped her out of the curremt was washing her old clothes in a pale, every now and then looking at her. "I'm s9rry.. I assume this is a little 9verwhelming f9r y9u."
Looking over at him, she was feeling over overwhelmed and confused, but also relieved that this wasn't a troll that was going to cull her.. Hopefully, "₩ho £r€ ¥ou?" She asked as she looked at him, her head tilting a bit.
He walked to her and dabbed a warm rag on her forehead. He gently laid her back down. "Y9u can w9rry a6out that after y9u've rested."
Laying back down, she took a breath, "I'm Not €v€n Th£t Tir€d.." She said a bit quiet as she yawned a bit, though mostly tried to hide it.
"Yes y9u are.. You just d9n't kn9w it." He said, going back to the Washbin.
Taking a breath, she tried to stay awake, a few sparks coming from her eyes again as she quickly closed them leading to her involuntarily falling back to sleep.
She woke the next morning, what looked like a jade blood, was in the tent now, tending to both her and everyone else.
Waking up, this time she felt quite a lot better, not having as much pain and she had really wanted to know who these trolls were as she looked around.

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