50)The Hunt ~Tony Stark~

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You awoke to an unusually cold bed, with the spot where Tony normally lays remains empty. You mumble to yourself as you slowly sit up, rubbing your eyes.

Tony had promised that today would be a day filled of just you two, yet he was already missing. However, it didn't look like Tony had rushed out, considering that the side of the bed that he slept on was neatly made. You sigh at your thoughts, thinking that you're probably just overreacting about this.

You make your way to the bathroom, which smelled faintly of Tony's cologne. Things begun to get a bit suspicious now, remembering that Tony was not an earlier riser.

"Jarvis?" You call out.

"Yes Miss Y/N?" Jarvis responds, sighing in relief.

"Have you seen Tony?" You ask, sounding paranoid.

Jarvis is quiet for a moment, and responds. "I am afraid I have not, I apologize dearly Miss Y/N."

You thank Jarvis. What could have happened to him? Your eyes were a still bit blurry from waking up, but when they focused you saw a note taped onto the mirror. You carefully grab it, trying not to leave a mark on the mirror.

It reads;
"Dear Y/N,
I know at this point you've probably already asked Jarvis about my whereabouts, but don't worry about me, I'm fine! I needed to make sure everything was absolutely perfect for today. So while I'm off preparing, I made a little scavenger hunt for you! Alright, so just in advance I'm terrible at giving hints so here's my attempt at the first one. This is the place where I first confessed my love for you.

You smile upon reading the letter. You instantly recognized the first place he was referring to, which was strangely enough his lab. You quickly slip into something more comfortable and brush your hair.

You nearly run to the lab, sliding the door open. You flip the lights on, to reveal a surprisingly neat lab. The note however was nowhere in sight. You looked behind everything.

You glare around once more, to see a note sticking out of one of Tony's books. You crack the book open, and read the note.

"Ah, so you found it. I knew you could. I remember when I used to write my feelings down for you in this book because I couldn't tell anyone about it. Not even Jarvis. Anyways, the next place is less of a 'where' and more of a 'who.' Okay so maybe I was running out of ideas, but it may be a bit obvious. Good luck!"

Could it be Jarvis? He said it would be "a bit obvious," so you decide to ask Jarvis.

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