Chapter Eight

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"Oh, Katniss!" The high-pitched voice screeches from behind me.

I spin on my heels quickly and without warning a pair of lime green painted arms are wrapped around my shoulders.

"Effie." I breathe into her odd hair colour. Blonde hair...?

I haven't seen Effie for over a year now. I wouldn't say I've missed her, but her presence does bring such happiness it's hard to admit that I do quite like the bubbly atmosphere she carries around with her.

"Oh my, look how much older you've grown!" She says, pulling back from our small embrace. "So lady-like." She whispers in a great big smile, wiggling her eyebrows. I have to take in the sight of her facial features for a moment. I stare in astonishment. This woman, innocent Effie who was oblivious and brought up by the Capitols ways. Who was never seen without a whole face of makeup so outstandingly done you wonder why. Her skin, a usual painted pale white, now a pink, alive skin tone. Her eyes, popping with their deep blue more than ever. Her eye brows, grown out and shaped like a person who never cared. It was an odd site. Effie has aged. And she was probably looking at the age on my face too.

Haymitch, Effie, Peeta and I are all traveling back to District Thirteen on the same hovercraft. Just us four like in the preparation for the Games.

As per usual, Haymitch sits on his own. Dreading the thought of leaving his alcoholic home and the freedom to drink and get drunk whenever the man pleases. With a glass of an orange colored liquid in one hand as he rests it lazily on the cup and the other holding his head as he carelessly keeps himself up.

As Effie releases me, she quickly notices the boy standing behind me.

"Peeta," she breathes, "Look at you."

With my attention fixated on Haymitch, I sit across from him on a plain metal chair.

The exterior of where we're staying is fairly decent, not that I'd ever complain about luxuriousness but you'd think something Capitol made would be done with precision and created to please the eye.

It's not very welcoming, or calming, it just brings my anxiety levels up to an all time high. Mainly every piece of furniture is a pale grey metal. The tables, walls, chairs; the only color in the room is Effie.

I stare at the man opposite me, studying his emotions. His eyes stay glued to the window, revealing the outside world of cloud and sky. The window sits closely next to me with a few meters of distance between where I sit and the wall. With the view, it's clear to us that we're above the clouds, high in mid air. The beauty of it is all truly astounding me but my attention is more focused on Haymitch.

He swirls the drink in the glass around slightly in small circular motions, creating a whirl pool of toxic liquid.

"You know what really sucks about this trip?" He asks suddenly, gluing his eyes to the same hold on the window.

"The fact you don't get to drink whenever you please?" I say, annoyance tingling in my voice.

Seeing the toxic substance Haymitch drowns his body in makes me uncomfortable and annoyed that he continues to torture his body like that.

"Oh, you don't need to worry about that, sweetheart." He says, sarcasm toning his voice as he looses his gaze and connects his contact with mine. "It sucks that I'll have to spend however amount of time... With you."

"With me?" I scoff. The smoothness in his tone aggravates me how he can be so subtle about it yet so nipping with his chosen words.

He nods and hums am obvious yes. His eyes trailing back to the window. For a few seconds he stares at the window deep in thought before turning back to my locked structure. His eyes quickly shut closed and he nods his head up and down, almost like he's a agreeing with his own comment inside his twisted mind

"Yup." He comments, popping the P. "It's not fair really..." He says, fluttering his eyes open and finding me.

"I'll tell you what's not fai-" I raise my voice and point my index finger at him, Haymitch gobbling up all my self control.

Before I can even finish my sentence and get my point across we're interrupted by an angry Peeta.

"We're supposed to be here to get these stupid Games on the road, not for you two to fight over every small thing." He harshly yells, looking at both of us like we're immature little school kids.

"Hmm, he is right... Best leave you two to it." Haymitch smiles devilishly to Peeta and I, nodding his head to the both of us.

My fists stay clenched in a tight grip, my nails digging painfully into the palm underneath. I inhale and exhale deeply, sighing in annoyance.

Why do you have to be so frustrating? I ask myself. Irritated by Haymitch to an extent that I could kill him.

"Katniss." Peeta calls sternly next to me, waking me up from my trance. "Settle down..."

"I forgot how bothering he was." I mumbled.


"Katniss, are you up for it?" Jarvis asks, lightly nudging my shoulder playfully.

Jarvis' a person who's ranked high in District Thirteen and controls most of what goes on in the district. For a person with his status, he's quite casual.

"Do I have a choice?" I laugh and he chuckles along before continuing walking around the rest of the table.

I met him outside just before we began the discussion, he's one of the leaders of today. He's an outgoing guy, with apple red hair that hides his ears and matching freckles decorating his pale skin. Him and I had an interesting conversation only half an hour ago before this boredom kicked in.

He grew up underground in District Thirteen, his childhood was fairly difficult, with the beginning of Thirteen and everything. I did not have enough time to find out more about him, only that now he ranks high and is very respected.

We all gather around one big oval shaped table that takes up most of the rooms space. Fitting all fifteen or so of us. Peeta and I sit opposite Effie, and most of the others are people I've never lied eyes on in my life. Every person shares their opinion of what they want to see in the Games. In one way or another, I'm more of less apart of the Gamemakers team. I couldn't say I'm proud of that, more ashamed than anything. I'm one of the people who's thoughts contribute to how these Games turn out. Never thought that in my lifetime I'd be in the Games let alone creating them.

I sit slouched in my chair, hardly paying any attention to what anyone's saying. Careless to what they have to say, however this works out, twenty three children will be dead.

I fiddle my fingers, doing whatever with them to keep myself occupied. Jarvis knew how bored I was, mainly why he nudged me.

"So in conclusion, The First Hunger Games of this type in history featurng twenty four of the children from the Capitol from the ages of twelve to eighteen and them only, will commence within the upcoming two months. No set date has been organsied but as soon as it is, you will be notified- hopefully within the next three weeks. All traditions used in recent Games will stay the same," Jarvis explains to the group, pointing to a number of pictures of old Games on his television that he's been using the whole time. "Also the chosen arena will be decided by higher Gamemakers and you will find out what that is when the Games begin. That is all, you are all dismissed. Thankyou."

And with that, noise fills the room with chatter of the unknown guests.

"I'm glad that's over." Peeta breathes to himself, gripping onto my hand leading both of us out of the room.

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