Chapter Nine

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"Katniss?" The husky voice calls in a hushed whisper.

I look up from my relaxed position to see Peeta standing at my door. I lay with my knees to my chest to keep myself extra warm and conserve body heat, with my chilled hands tucked beneath my cheek, resting on the fluffy white pillow.

Haymitch, Effie, Peeta and I have our own fair sized apartment here in District Thirteen, just for the small amount of time we are staying here.

The layout of the small house is somewhat just like the one we stayed in at the Training Center before our first Games. Which astounds me how much detail I recall of the event that occurred years ago. Even as I turn taps on bathroom sinks, I can feel a sense of déjà vu almost.

Peeta and I were both given separate rooms but it's one or the other for us. We've scarcely parted because we're each other's anchors, especially through the night. We tried the first night and I woke up sweaty all over so I climbed in with Peeta. He didn't really mind, I think he was hoping I'd come sooner or later. Hoping or expecting.

I'd excused myself from dinner and curled up here to sleep off an aching tummy though, distracted by the cramps to think of Peeta.

Before I can reply to the boy that I last caught a glimpse of standing at my door in the pitch black darkness, who is no longer there, he invites himself in and slips through my door quietly, probably assuming I'm asleep. And with my hunters ears, I barley use enough anymore, I listen as Peeta makes his way around my bed in the eeriness.

"Peeta." I breathe, turning my body to face him standing on the other side of the king bed.

"Oh, I hope I didn't wake you." He says, concern riddling his voice as he makes his way onto the bed and the mattress dips at his strong weight.

"No, no. I was still awake. I was wondering when you were going to show up." I giggle, "otherwise I was coming to your room."

His arms wrap securely around me, the body heat radiating off of him engulfing me with his warmth. His body wraps around mine, fitting perfectly with my small physique. His legs tangle with my own, eliminating the distance between us as much possible.

His scent filled my nostrils instantly sending waves of pleasure throughout my body. He always smelt like the heavens, like the clean and crisp air in the blossoming season of spring.

"Get some sleep now." Peeta tells me, softly stroking my wild hair, soothing my body and relaxing all my senses including a sore stomach. Oh, how I crave his touch.

In my sleepy state I almost felt as if we were entwined in the same circumstances we were in the cave during our first Games. Forgetting every single thing we ever let worry us, only focusing on the moment in which you never want to forget.

"Good night," I whisper into the pillow as Peeta places a delicate peck on my mane of hair, just above my ear before the unconscious state gobbles up all of my control.


"I think we should take you to see a doctor." Peeta says, holding back my hair in a fistful as I lean over the plush toilet seat, throwing up last nights dinner.

It's not much of a shock anymore, the vomiting in the morning, I mean. It's been a regular occurrence for the past few days. Every morning, it's the same routine. Break from my slumber in a jolt and run for the nearest bathroom.

I spit out every last bit of the acidic tasting substance as Peeta passes me a clear glass of fresh water.

"We'll go first thing tomorrow." I say, standing up with Peeta's guidance.

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