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Jacob and Connie was sat centimetres away from each other talking and Jacob made her laugh and giggle like a teenager, and Connie took her dressing gown off because she extremely warm as Jacob could see it in her face, the redness in her face looked like she was going to explode. As Connie took her dressing gown off Jacob helped her so she didn't have to hurt her back any more than it was and, Jacob just looked at the visible big bump and he stared and Connie saw has stare and Connie grabbed his hand gently and placed it on her 7 month bump and she let go of his hand but he kept his hand their and he felt the baby kick and his face lit up and, Connie saw it and, she decided to tell him about the baby she was carrying and, that their was a possibility that it could being his.

"Jacob, Jacob, I need to talk to you!" Connie said eagerly to Jacob who know released his hand from Connie's bump.

"Sorry" Jacob said while he moved back to move away from Connie when she pulled him forward.

"Jacob, it wasn't about you feeling the baby kick, I need to tell you something important!" Connie said to Jacob who looked up to see Connie's face which looked scared and he rubbed her hand and told her to continue.

"Go on Con, your scaring me, sweet cheeks!" Jacob said as he continued to rub Connie's hand and she began to speak to him.

"This baby, this baby could be your, yours! your angry with me aren't you?" Connie said crying, thinking she was a bitch and a awful person and that she should of told him months ago.

Jacob who sat their shocked that the woman he loves to the moon and back, could be carrying his child, his baby and he looked back at Connie and, she looked ashamed to even look at herself, she looked ashamed to look at her stomach, the baby that could be his and he quickly replied to the love of his life and she was angry with herself that she hadn't told him and he edged forward so he was less than millimetres away from her face and he grabbed her faced and he wiped the tears from her face and he hugged her and he began to speak to her.

"No, why the hell would I be angry with you sweet cheeks, you just told me that beautiful baby your carrying is possibly mine. And now this means I can do this!" Jacob said as he leaned into kiss Connie when the door opened and Jacob jumped before falling into Connie hitting his head on the her arm and she giggled.

Zoe entered the house and, saw Jacob sat next to Connie with her legs up on the sofa and, Jacob looked at Zoe and asked he something. "Hi Zoe, how come you didn't tell me you knew Connie was still in Holby?"Jacob said and, Connie interrupted and began to talk to Jacob.

"That was my fault, I asked her not, when I left you were with someone and so I thought it was best to let you live your life and I live mine. But then Sam cheated and got married to Martha the scandalous bitch, but I got rid of him and went on holiday and came back and you'd moved on and so i got on with my life." Connie explained to Jacob and Jacob said sorry to Zoe for jumping down her neck and Jacob hugged her and kissed her on the cheek. Zoe left the room and went to bed as she was living with Connie now because her and Max were not coping being together for now so Connie accepted that Zoe would stay and pay towards the house and other stuff and seeing being a 4 bedroom house Connie agreed to that...

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