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"Marry me, Connie? I don't care about the other stuff, but Marry me?" Jacob said as Connie leaned against the cot and rubbed her 7 month bump and Jacob still on one knee continued to ask his question.

"Promise me, if the baby's dad is Sam, you won't get angry and leave me, Promise me, Promise Jacob?" Connie said as he got up off one knee and stood up and held her hands and kissed her and then kissed her bump.

"I promise you Connie, I won't. Does that mean you will marry me?" Jacob said as a smile emerged on Connie's face.

"Yes, I suppose so!" Connie said and Jacob picked her up and swung her around the room and she held his neck and shoulders and kissed him and he put a ring on her hand and showed her downstairs hand in hand.  Jacob and Connie were downstairs in the modern kitchen and Connie was admiring her ring and Jacob brought over an orange juice and a coffee and Connie looked at him and "You know i can drink coffee, you know?" Connie asked Jacob and Jacob replied "I know, the coffee is for you the orange is for me" Jacob said while Connie felt stupid and he kissed her on the lips.

Connie got off the leather kitchen chair  which stood in Jacob's kitchen and stood up and walked around the kitchen desktop and then grabbed Jacob's drink and put it on the desktop and then Connie sat on Jacob's knee and then she kissed him on the lips and he kissed back and Jacob with his big strong arm picked a 7 month pregnant, Connie and took her up stairs to his bedroom and put her on the bed and then Connie's phone rang and it was Grace and Connie immediately answered the phone and she started panicking and Jacob took the phone off her and he began speaking to the person on the phone and Connie was walking down stairs and Jacob quickly followed Connie and they were out of the front door like a eye flutter.

As Jacob drove to the hospital where Grace was because of an explosion in her school Connie was taking deep breaths and calming her self down and trying not to get her self to stress because of the baby and they drove into the E.D. car par and parked in a random spot and Connie got out of the car, so did Jacob and they rushed as quick as Connie could walk and they entered the E.D. and people including the emergency departments staff were looking over at the heavily pregnant Connie and Jacob. The pair went to the front desk and Noel took the pair to HDU, where Grace was servilely burnt on the right hip and right leg and it was broken too and she had a oxygen mask on and Connie rushed over to her daughter's bedside and she held her daughter's hand and Grace cracked up.

"So, you two finally declared love for each other!" Grace said as she giggled and so did Jacob and Connie and she showed her daughter the ring and Grace smiled. Zoe, the clinical lead came in and discharged Grace and the three of them left the E.D. in harmony, Grace on clutches and Jacob hugging Connie's waist. They all walked to the car and Connie got in the passenger side which made Grace gob smacked and Grace got in the back and Jacob drove the car back to Connie's house, but before he went to his house and got some clothes and they all went back to Connie and Grace's house.

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