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My name is 하늘 (Ha-neul), just your average 17 year old girl. I've liked a lot of boys, got in trouble for trying to sneak out in the night to go to parties, had lots of school work to do at the last minute and so on. My best friends since elementary school are Suga, Rapmon, Jhope, Jungkook, Jin, Jimin, and V but they are also known as BTS, they treated my as if I was there dongsaeng (little sister), which didn't bother me at all. My appa (dad) was the CEO of the company and my eomma (mom) was also the CEO of another company that she was working in. My oppa (older brother) 준우 (Joon-woo) and I would usually just stay at home and order takeout food if we were to lazy to cook for our selves, which was most of the time, because our parents would work late or go out for drinks sometimes with their coworkers. I would ask 준우 (Joon-woo) to help with my homework work because he already did all the work that I did because he is 2 years older than me. He was the best oppa I could ever ask for and same goes for my eomma and appa, I really did love them. We had to go to America for my appa's work so me and my oppa went to school in America for a couple of months. When I made friends in America they called me Sky (because that's what 하늘 (Ha-neul) means) and sometimes Skyler, we still kept in touch with each other after I left to go back to Korea. When we came home we ate dinner and were about to watch a movie but 준우 (Joon-woo) got a text saying that one of his friends was in trouble so he had to leave quickly to try to help, he said he'll be back safely and for us to not worry too much and with that he ran out the door and left. Leaving eomma, appa, and I still a bit worried we tried not to worry too much as my oppa said before he left, meanwhile while we were waiting for him to come back we were in the middle of watching a movie and that was when it happened. The door flew open and came in 5 men, we all recognized them... they were my appa's coworkers that hated him because he was the CEO and they weren't. They came running right at us, I tried to defend my eomma and appa because I learned martial arts and was the highest ranking out of the whole class, but I couldn't save them. For the first few minutes I was holding them off well but then one of them came behind me and through me across the room and I hit the wall and my vision started to get blurry. I quickly got up trying to defend my parents again because by now the were beating them up and both were bleeding. I managed to help them escape but only for a short time, the guy that through me across the room came back at me and hit me at the back of the neck and that made my vision even worse and I fell to the ground then I heard my eomma and appa yelling "Please don't kill our daughter". One of the men pulled out a gun and said "Don't worry you will be with your son too, we took care of him so that when you all die, at least you'll be together" he gave an evil smirk. By this time I was already half knocked out but the last thing I heard was 2 gun shots and with them screams, then everything went silent and I lost all consciousness. I woke up in the hospital with BTS at my side who seemed to be happy, angry, concerned, and sorrowful as they all surrounded me. When I looked at their faces I could tell something was wrong since I knew them for a long time. I asked Rapmon what was wrong but he looked at Jin as if he was saying 'Should we tell her?' Jin turned to the rest of the group giving the same expression, they all nodded, then he turned back to me and said "하늘 (Ha-neul), the doctors said that your parents won't be able to survive and the police still haven't found your oppa, they think the group of people who ganged up on him might have stole one of his friends phone and texted him that message. Also that they might have taken his body somewhere else so he can't be found....." He trailed off then said "They think it's possible that they might have burned his body so that he can't be identified straight away......we're all very sorry for you 하늘 (Ha-neul)" with that he ended his sentence and all of BTS hung their heads. I could feel my heart sunk and looked at them in disbelief but then came to the conclusion that they would never lie to me in a serious matter like this, I began to cry thinking about all the things I was losing all at once. The family I held closest to my heart... Eomma... Appa... Oppa..... all gone.... just like that. I started to cry and when BTS heard me crying the began to cry too because they hated to see me cry, but this time it was different than any other situation. This time it involved people that died..... my family. A month latter I was discharged from the hospital and in the middle of the month was the funeral for eomma, appa, and oppa. I had nowhere to live because the police said that living on my own in the house would be dangerous, so BTS offered me to stay with them and I agreed and was very great full to them for helping me. Since the dorm was a little too small for all of us we asked the company that BTS worked with, if we could get a bigger place and they very generously agreed and even helped us after we explained what happened. I've been living with them ever since that day and when they could tell that I was thinking about what happened in the past, they tried to distract me from think about that again so that I could live a somewhat more comfortable life. I thought to my self 'I'm lucky to have friends like them' every night.

I hope you liked the Prologue/Backstory😊. Sorry for it being really long but it was pretty good right (or at least I hope😅). Please like and vote if you like it so far. If it's bad I'm sorry okay this is my first fanfiction so haters why are u even here at the end reading this huh!?! If you hate this then you should have left long time ago. To all those who do like the story I thank you for your support and I will probably start the actual 1st chapter sooner than latter. Comment if you have a suggestion for another story or if you have any questions for me. Bye see you in the next chapter😁😊😁. *If there are any spelling mistakes I was too lazy to check it over same goes for all the chapters to come*

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