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Pisces' mind filled with fear.

Sagittarius and Aquarius came in. Sagittarius had made coffee.

Pisces sat down on the couch, still in shock. Before she could say anything, Sagittarius asked, "Who's Jameson, Pisces?".

Before Pisces could answer, Jaime spoke up, "Jameson is Pisces' ex boyfriend. Abusive ex boyfriend. And, unfortunately, he is also my brother".

Sagittarius' and Aquarius' eyes widened in shock. They looked at Pisces with their mouth open. Pisces looked down. Bad memories came to her mind. She felt her eyes tearing up.

"What happened, Pie?" Aquarius asked, as Sagittarius took Pisces' hand.

Pisces took a deep breath, blinked her tears away and started telling them what had happened.

"When I was in San Francisco, Jaime was one of my closest friends. 3 years ago, she introduced me to her brother, Jameson and we started dating. Soon it became serious. But...he...he was...he had a short temper and...I soon found out that he was abusive. I broke things up with him, but he would come to me, and he would try to convince me to get back together, and sometimes he would become abusive again. One day I had enough of it and I filed a restraining order. After that he just left. I don't know what happened or where he went, but he was gone. And I was relieved. After that I never thought I would have to deal with him again. That was 2 years ago".

Pisces then turned to Jaime and asked, "Jaime, what happened".

Jaime lowered her eyes and said, "He came back. To San Francisco. He demanded to know where you were but I wouldn't tell him", Jaime started sobbing, "He then threatened me. His own sister. I was so scared Pie, I was scared for my life. So I told him you had moved to New York. But I didn't tell him anything else. Not your address or where you work or anything like that. He then said that he would be going to New York to find you, so I followed him. I confronted him yesterday and that's when he did this", she pointed to her bruised eye, "And said that he would find you and that I should stay out of his way. I'm sorry Pie, I am so sorry, I really am". Jaime put her head in her hands, sobbing.

Pisces patted her back as she glanced at Aquarius and Sagittarius, who were still in shock.

She took Jaime's hand and said, "You should leave, Jaime. I'll handle Jameson. You should go back to San Francisco. Go back to your family. Don't worry about me. Please. Take the first flight out tomorrow".

Jaime started to protest but Pisces squeezed her hand lightly and whispered, "Jaime, please". She slowly nodded. Pisces sighed and said, "Good. I'll take you to the airport first thing tomorrow morning. Till then you can stay here. My friend Virgo has gone back to D.C. so you can stay in her room. Why don't you go and settle in and I'll tell you when dinner's ready", Pisces smiled. Jaime nodded.

As Jaime went to settle in, Pisces turned to Sagittarius and Aquarius. "Why didn't you tell us about this, Pie?", Sagittarius asked, as Aquarius stared at her, worried.

Pisces looked down. She thought about a valid reason why she hadn't told anyone about this, but couldn't think of any. She finally said, "I don't know. I know should have". Sagittarius looked at Aquarius and back to Pisces, worried.

"What are we gonna do now?" Aquarius asked.

"For now, we do nothing. And please don't tell this to anyone. I do not want anyone knowing about this". 

"What? Why not? Our friends should know about this, Pie", Sagittarius said. Aquarius nodded and said, "I absolutely agree. Especially Scorpio. He can help us with this".

Pisces' eyes widened. She remembered how he had reached to finding out about Virgo and Michael. She quickly decided that he was the last person that should know about this.

"No! No one should know about this. Please you guys. Promise me you won't tell anyone". They sat there in silence.

Reluctantly, Sagittarius said okay and Aquarius nodded in agreement.

Pisces was relieved. Now she had to figure out a way to solve the Jameson problem. Pisces knew she probably wouldn't be able to handle it, but she also knew that she had to.

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