Into The Woods

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Pisces came out of the shower. Someone knocked on the door. "Who is it?" Pisces asked. "It's Scorpio. You ready to go?". Pisces smiled. "Yeah I'll be right down". "Okay. Hurry".

Pisces started wearing her traditional hiking clothes. A beige shirt, black shorts and brown shoes. Pisces chuckled at herself. How very Lara Croft.

As she started putting on her clothes, her mind drifted to last night. There had been quite a few revelations and relationship-mending.

Pisces smiled just thinking about Scorpio hugging her and forgiving her. She picked up her bag and went downstairs.

Scorpio and Cancer were ready in the living room, with their bags on, while Aries was outside, helping Leo with his scuba diving gear. "Ready to go?" Cancer asked. "Yeah", Pisces replied.

She saw Scorpio observing her. He smiled and said, "Are you sure?". "Umm, yeah?". Scorpio pointed at her feet and said, "You are wearing two different shoes, Pie". Pisces glanced at her feet and mentally kicked her self. She went up and changed her other shoe. She realized she hadn't even worn socks. Pisces groaned and took out a fresh pair from her drawer and put them on. She hated going on hikes. She was only doing it to be with Scorpio.

Soon after, they were out of the front door. They sat in the car and Libra drove them to the entrance of the trails.

A while later they were trekking through the forest.

Aries stopped and pulled out his map. "Alright, so what we are gonna do is, go this point here", he said pointing to various places on the map, "And then go on this trail here to the mountains. We will climb till the first summit and then double back directly to the cabin. Libra will be taking the car back". Cancer nodded and said, "Sounds good babe". Scorpio agreed, "Sounds good, but I'm not calling you babe". Aries pouted at Scorpio and they started walking the trail.

A few hours later, they say down besides a huge tree and decided to have lunch.

Cancer had packed P. B. and J's, ham and cheese sandwiches, leftover chicken from last night and salad. Scorpio and Aries had brought protein shakes. Cancer rolled her eyes and said, "Really? Protein shakes? Here?". Scorpio shrugged and said, "It's good for our muscles. We are gonna be doing a lot of cardio by walking and climbing and to avoid muscle loss we need protein". Aries nodded in agreement. Pisces shook her head and said "Nerds". Aries shot an annoyed look at Pisces and Cancer, clinked his shaker with Scorpio's, said "Cheers", and drank the whole drink in one gulp.

Once they were done eating, they started on forward. Pisces had to admit, the environment and the weather was amazing.

The sky was heavily clouded, but Pisces didn't mind. There was a cool breeze in the air. The trees ruffled in the breeze.

Pisces and Cancer were jumping and squealing whenever they saw cute rabbits. Scorpio had grown quite annoyed with that, so he was trudging behind them, keeping a distance.

Soon, Pisces' legs got heavy. She was tired. Scorpio realized that and said, "Let's take some rest", he pointed to a boulder where the ground was soft, "Over there". They sat down and Aries put out a mat. Cancer followed suit and soon they were fast asleep. Pisces was tired, but didn't want to sleep. Mostly because Scorpio was awake, but also because she knew that once she slept, it would be hard to wake her. There were no 'power naps' in Pisces' world. Once she slept, she slept like a baby.

Scorpio was fidgeting with a deep blue stone he had found before. He looked up and saw Pisces staring at him. He smiled and said, "What's up?".

Pisces realized she was staring and blushed. She looked down and said, "Nothing".

Pisces hoped Scorpio had bought that, but he kept staring at her with those intense dark eyes.

"I just got lost in my thoughts", Pisces said.

"Mmmhmmm", Scorpio said as he narrowed his eyes. "You should sleep", he said.

Pisces shook her head and said, "No no. Once I sleep I'm gone. There's no waking me up until I wanna wake up".

Scorpio shrugged and said, "I would stay with you till you woke up".

Pisces smiled, "Thanks".

"It's the least I could do after you helped me last night. Thanks Pie, for that. I felt so much better after talking to you. So thanks", Scorpio said as he started playing with his blue stone.

"I'll always be there to help you, Scorp. Through anything. You can't always count on me. I always have your back. And stop saying thank you", Pisces looked down and started fidgeting with her shoe lace.

Scorpio looked up, with a surprised look on his face. He didn't say anything, just started into nothingness. He had a melancholic and sad look on his face, as if a lost opportunity had come back. An opportunity he couldn't take.

He straightened his face and went back to playing with his rock. He slightly whispered, "I am glad you are here, Pie". Pisces nodded as a lump formed in her throat. "That's a beautiful stone", she said.

Scorpio nodded. He got up and said, "I have to make a call, I'll be right back". Pisces nodded and watched as he left. She smiled to herself. The words, I'm glad you are here Pie, rang in her ears.

And I'm glad you are here, Scorp, Pisces thought to her herself.

Just then, it started raining.

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