Lazuras Rising

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Lacie and I have been doing research with dad for what seems like hours. Mom was training Xavier while Nixxy and Micha did their own research. "How's Cas and Fina?" I asked, rubbing the pain out of my eyes. "We're fine. Thanks for asking." Serafina said, plopping down in a chair. "Where's Ellie?" Sam asked, "On their way." Cas mumbled, looking over my shoulder at the book I was reading. "No we're already here." Ellie and Gabe said, their voices flowed through the room as they finally came home with Zadkiel and a very pregnant Ambriel in tow. We jumped up and ran over to give hugs. "We missed you guys." Ambriel said, fluffing the hair on my head. "Haven't really seen you. You've grown so much." "So have you." I laughed, pointing out her growing tummy. She smiled and rubbed it fondly, "It's a girl. Her name is Delilah." Z said as he kissed her temples. Three sharp knocks on the door made us go on defense mode. Lacie and I drew our guns, Z pushed Ambriel behind him protectively, Mom and Dad guarded the rest of the house with Fina and Cas. "Please, help us!" A little girls voice screamed as she pounded on the door.


That voice. Mickey. I dropped my gun and yanked the door open, the girl from my vision was standing in the doorway crying, a tall boy with dark hair and crystal eyes behind her. "C'mon." I growled as I pulled them in and locked the door behind them. "What the fuck Cici?!" Kat yelled, lowering her weapon. "Relax. I had a vision of this." I said as I dropped down to face the little girl. "What's your name little one?" Her pale face flushed and she dashed to stand behind the boy with her, "Mickey." She squeaked, I smiled and her. "My name's Lacie. This is Katrina, Sam, Cas, Fina, Micha, Valkyrie, Xavier, Z, and Ambi." She smiled softly and strode over to Xavier, wrapping her tiny arms around him. I stood and faced the boy that was with her, "And your name is?" "Tyler." He said, offering his hand. "Nice to meet you." "Now that that's over, we have to get back to what we were doing." Katrina said, pulling me away from him. He smiled and sat on the sofa beside Nixxy, pulling Mickey in his lap. "Cici, focus." Valkyrie growled, shoving a book in my arms. I sighed and opened it to the first page, hoping it would hold the magic trick to end all of this.



The sound of screaming made all of us wake in a panic, I glanced over to see Tyler trying to calm a screaming Mickey. Suddenly her body went rigid and her eyes opened to reveal cloudy grey orbs instead of her chocolatey brown ones. "And when the dead resurrect the devil will fall." She spoke, her voice multi-toned, suddenly she turned to Lacie, "Hell wasn't ment for us." She said before falling back limply in Tyler's arms. Cas stared at the child in shock while the rest of us glanced at Lacie. "I can't believe it." Gabe said, taking a bite out of an apple. "Is she...?" Cas asked, Gabe nodded. "The last prophet."



Getting used to having Mickey around was interesting. She screamed in her sleep, apparently giving us prophesies. Tyler was becoming... intreged. Constantly following me around, trying to help me as much as possible, and always asking weird personal questions. Valkyrie and Lacie kept giving him weird looks as we sat to do more research. "Something wrong ladies?" He asked, looking up from his book. "Did you know you talk in your sleep?" Lacie asked, Tyler's face fell. "W-What?" "Yup. Something about 'working on trust' and 'Mickey is in your hands'..." Valkyrie said, glaring at him. "Well... you know I wouldn't do anything to hurt you..." He rushed out, eying me. "Huys, back off. What's his motive?" "Oh I don't know, the fact that we're Lucifer's grand daughters, leading the alliance against him. We have the last prophet giving us information. Want me to keep going?!" Lacie yelled, slamming her book on the table. "Back off Cici." I growled, flashing my violet at her. Her eyes shifted from their normal hazely brown to ruby red, a flame dancing in her palm. "He's. Tearing. Us. Apart." She spat, "ENOUGH!" Valkyrie screamed, "If you don't like it, leave Nixxy." "Fine." I growled, grabbing Tyler's hand and leading him out the steel door. "Are you sure about this?" He asked as he handed me a helmet. I nodded and the bulky material over my face, "Absolutely." He grinned as I climbed behind him, gripping his belt as we took off down the drive way.


"They'll be back. Only they'll be looking for blood next time." I said, plopping back in the chair. "I know." Valkyrie sighed; suddenly Mickey came running in, jumping on my lap. "The spell. It's here. Xavier and I found it." She panted, wiping dirt from her face. "What?" "WE FOUND IT!!!" Xavier screamed as he ran into the room, waving an old piece of paper in his hands. I snatched it from him, glazing over the necessary items and ancient latin, "We can do this. There is only one thing that might be tricky." "What is it?" Valkyrie asked, peering my shoulder. "The souls of fifty demons." "That'll be easy." Micha interjected, Alex and Katrina walking in behind him. "We'll draw them in and trap them." "How?" Serafina asked, Ellie and Gabe sitting at the table with Ambriel and Z. Alex stared at Mickey, catching all of our attention. "Her." "No." "Lacie-" Cas said, putting his hand on my shoulder. "It might be our only chance." "SHE'S A CHILD!" "I can do it." She said, gripping my wrist. "I promise Cici, I can do it." I knelt down and hugged her, stroking her hair. "I promise I won't let you get hurt." I said, watching Cas and Gabe directing the others to get the ingredients. Just like mom...

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