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"Where is he?!" I screamed, digging the knife further into the demon's thigh. He hissed and thrashed in his restraints. "No one has seen him since Lebanon. He only speaks through messages..." He panted, sweat rolling off his blood caked body. "He's right babe. We gotta keep moving." Gabe said, pulling me away from the abomination. Just as we were walking away he chuckled. "You know. Lucifer isn't the only one who can communicate through messages and dreams." I growled and held the angel blade against his throat. "Tell me." I growled, he laughed. "Ask your nieces and nephews." "What did you do to them?" I spat, digging the blade into the fleshy column of his throat. "I didn't do anything, but Lucifer has an agenda to keep." He grinned at me with a bloody mouth before evaporating into a cloud of black smoke. Gabriel looked up at me with sad eyes, "It's Dean." I raised an eyebrow at him, "The kids found Dean, Crowley and Clarity dead at a djinn hunt." He said, I sighed heavily and flopped down in a chair. "What do you think the bastard ment?" "I think Luci is planning another war. This will be the end all be all war that was supposed to happen last time." I swallowed hard and held my locket in my palm, a picture of Micha and Gabe on one side and a picture of the sisters and their families on the other. "In that case, we should call Ambriel and Zadkiel. Tell them to get the army together. Right now we gotta get home." I said, dragging the demons body to the fire pit in the center of the room. "Ignis." I said, the bones bursting into flame. Gabe kissed my temple and lead us back to the camaro, driving us home.


The sisters stood back, Micha and Alex glared at Tyler. The smallest one, Xavier was the first to walk up to me. "Hi, I'm Xavier." He said, his blue eyes were bright with excitement. I smiled at him, "I'm Mickey." I said, his eyes glowed and a white rose appeared in my hair. "Why are you here?" Lacie asked, "We need a safe place to stay." Tyler said, holding my hand. Lacie nodded slowly, "Alright well... come on." She said, letting us in.

I slowly woke up, yawning against Tyler's shoulder. "Well good morning little one." "Morning." I said quietly. "Ready to hit the road?" He asked, lifting me off the makeshift bed he made. "Where are we going?" I asked as he sat me on the motorcycle. "Wherever the road takes us." He said, "Hang on ok?" I nodded slowly and held onto the bag straps he held for me. The motorcycle started with a deep rumble as we left, the city was a spot of ash and smoke in the rearview as we left everything I've ever known behind.


"Has anyone heard from Auntie Ells or Gabe? Ambriel or Z?" I asked as I poured over my dad's journal. "Last we heard Ells and Gabe was looking at a horde in Oregon." Valkyrie said as she slid a can of Monster and a sandwich across the table. "Eat." I shook my head, "If you don't I will shove it down your throat." She growled, I grumbled and snatched a bite off the corner. "There, I ate." She rolled her eyes and read a book on apocalyptic lore. Nixxy dashed down the stair with Alex right behind her, "Ells left a message." Nixxy panted, handing me her phone showing a text from an unknown number. 'Let's play clue.' It read, "They're on their way home." I said, "And they're bringing Ambriel and Zadkiel." Alex sighed in relief, lightly slapping Phoenix on the arm. "Told you." "Guys, enough. We have to find the rest of the adults so we can find this kid." Skylar said as he set his laptop down in front of me, "I think I have a hit. Demon horde was in Los Angeles. Some refugees said they were looking for a seven year old, went by the name of Mickey." He showed an encoded email from an hidden sender. I nodded to him, "Well, until Ellie and Gabriel show up were not making a move." Auntie Kat said, "Plus, she said she might have news for us."


"My name's Mickey." The little girl said, "This is my friend Tyler." We smiled at them, hugging them. Mickey suddenly screamed in agony, falling to her knees. "What's wrong?!" I yelled, trying to help her. Her eyes rolled back in her head as she went limp in my arms. "And from the ashes we'll rise. The fallen ones join forces to defeat the devil himself." She mumbled, making us all step back and stare in awe. "A prophet? Nice." Alex scoffed, leaning against the wall.

"Ellie! Wake up!" Gabe yelled, shaking me in the front seat of the car. I panted and wiped the hair from my sweat covered face. "What's wrong babe?" He asked, rubbing my shoulder. "A dream. Just a dream." I mumbled, kissing his chest. He kissed my forehead and rubbed my shoulders, "We're almost home." I nodded and laid my head back in the crook of his neck, lightly kissing the corner of his jaw. "I love you." He chuckled and turned to kiss me, running his tongue over my bottom lip before nibbling on it. "I love you too."


Is she prepared yet? Father's voice echoed in my head, I glanced down to see Mickey was sound asleep again. "No sir. I am almost to the pick up point." Good. But I need you to stick around, get on the inside and break them apart. I sighed deeply, "Yes sir." I mumbled, Mickey stirred slightly. "Who you talkin too?" She asked in a small voice, "No one honey." I said, kissing the top of her head. "Almost there." I mumbled again, smiling when my eyes shifted black and back to their normal crystal blue.

Nefarious: After Life {WATTY'S 2016}Where stories live. Discover now