Rising Revolution

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Valkyrie laid Mickey on my bed. "She had another vision. All she said was Laredo Texas." I nodded and stroked Mickey's soft hair. "You know... My mom told me what really happened that day..." Valkyrie said as she sat on the edge of my bed. "Ya. Mom broke a promise. Abandoned us. Left me to raise myself, all of you and help the adults hunt the devil himself." I said, getting angrier by the second. Valkyrie's eyes glowed as she put her fingers to my forehead, my eyes rolled back in my skull and everything went fuzzy. 

 "That was for my mother. This-" Katrina said, slicing his arm, "Was for Raven. And this-" Kat said as she sliced his rib cage, "That's for me." He hissed and held his now bloody side as she kicked him down. "KAT LOOK OUT!" Mom screamed, Katrina spun to see the real Lucifer aiming to stab her through the heart. Mom knocked Katrina to the side, taking the blade through her chest. "CARRIE!" Katrina screamed, holding my bloody mother. Dean came running over, stroking her hair as her breathing slowed. "No. NO! You promised Lacie she'd see you again!" Dad yelled, tears pouring from his eyes. "I... never... said... alive..." Mom choked out.

I sat up gasping for air, "That's what really happened." Valkyrie said with tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry your mom died to protect mine." She choked out. I hugged her, stroking her long blonde hair. "It's alright." I sighed. "But I need your help." She sat up and raised an eyebrow. "With?" "We need to go get Nixxy back." 


"A group of angels said that there is a hideout in Laredo for Lucifer's generals." Micha said as he slid the encoded message in front of us. "IF this is true... It's a suicide mission." Dean said, stroking his face. "Not necessarily." A familiar voice said. My sisters, Ellie and I turned to see Nikki leaning against the wall, blood spattered on her face. "Sorry about the blood but it isn't mine. Had to fight my way here." We ran over and hugged her tightly. "Can't. Breathe." She gasped, we set her down and lead her to the table. "And yes it's true, Lucifer's best in Laredo." She said, glazing over the paper. "We're gonna need an army, bigger than you gathered last time. Where is our tiny prophet?" "Upstairs asleep with Lacie and Valkyrie." I said, "Good. Sam, Dean, Skylar, Carter and Alex gather as many weapons as you can. Gabriel, Micha, Ellie, Zoshia, Crowley and Ana go start gathering people. I don't care if they're a monster, demon, human or angel... we're gonna need as many as possible. Katrina, Serafina, Castiel, Ambriel, Zadkiel, Lacie, Valkyrie and I will do research. Xavier it is your job to protect Mickey and the newborn. Let's go." I said, watching as everyone dispersed. 


It was dark. Nothing was visible as I screamed for help. I fell down, crying, when someone's hand touched me. I screamed and scurried away, looking up to see a woman with glowing violet eyes. "Like mother, like daughter. Betraying our family, I mean." She laughed. "Mom?" "Hello princess." I jumped up and hugged her, "Mom!" She laughed and hugged me back, "Welcome to death honey."


I said my goodbyes to my family. "Where's Lacie and Valkyrie?" "Upstairs asleep I guess, it's been a long day for them." Skylar said, following his father outside. I nodded and followed them out, happily sitting in the front seat of the impala next to Dean. A sick feeling crept into my bones as we pulled away. "Does something seem off to you babe?" I asked, twirling our wedding ring in my finger. Before he could answer Skylar's phone. "She what?!" He yelled, both of us turned to stare at him. Sam & Alex's car slammed to a halt in front of us. "We'll find them." Skylar said, "Alright. Bye." "Sky what's going on?" I asked, panic starting to rise. "Lacie and Valkyrie took off, they took the mercury. Nikki is trying to track the low jack on the vehicle. Don't worry mom, we'll find them." He added, watching my eyes turn red in the mirror. No we won't, he's going to get them first. 


"They're going to kill us." I said, staring out the window as Lacie drove. "No they won't. They'll understand." She said, tapping her fingers on the steering wheel. "Do you not understand?! Nixxy is gone! Now we left without notice! Lucifer and his goonies are out to get us!" "CALM DOWN!" She screamed, making me sit back in my seat. "Don't you think I haven't thought about this?" "Cici... our parents couldn't fight the devil and win. What makes you think we can? And plus... what if she's dead?" "We can't think like that." She growled, gripping the steering wheel harder. "I'm serious Lacie, what are we gonna do if we get there and she's dead?" I asked, gripping her shoulder. She turned and looked at me with tears in her eyes, "Then we bring her home. No one gets left behind." I sighed and fell back in my seat, letting the subject drop for good. 


"HOW COULD SHE DO THIS!?" I screamed, throwing a book across the room. "I don't know Kat but if we don't hurry up and get ready for Laredo we'll never get them back." Nikki said, rubbing my back. "I know it doesn't look good but we have to let them do this. We only have a week." "How do you know?!" I screamed, shoving Nikki off of me. "I. Just. Do." She growled, sending shivers down my spine. I relaxed and picked the book back up. "Fine." I growled, sitting next to Fina and Cas. "They're alive... if that helps." Cas said, holding Fina closer. "I guess." I growled, rereading old notes.



 "Dude, we've been here a week. No sign of Nixxy. No sign of our group. No sign of life, period." Valkyrie yelled, throwing her dagger at the wall. "Relax. We might live longer." I said reading notes from our connections here in Laredo. "No Cici, how in the name of Fuck do seven people just disappear?!" She growled, slamming her fist on the table. Screams floated up to our room, we both grabbed our weapons and hid within the room. Tyler and two others burst into the room, their black eyes flittering around the room. "They're here." One of them growled, flipping the desk over. "Come out, come out wherever you are." Tyler cooed. Valkyrie screamed as the tallest one wrapped his hand around her throat. "Here's one." "And here's the other." The Tyler one growled from behind me as his hands wrapped around my throat. "It's nice to see you ladies again." "WHERE IS SHE?!" I screamed, wildly kicking my feet. Tyler ginned darkly and with a wave of his hand Phoenix's corpse appeared on the floor, a single stab wound to her abdomen left a bloody mess on her usually pale skin. "She's in a better place." He said sarcastically, kissing my cheek. Valkyrie managed to get free, turning to roundhouse kick the tallest in the chest. The other man grabbed her by her hair and slammed her into the wall. I managed to knock Tyler off balance, slamming him onto the floor with my entire body weight. I grabbed my knife and sliced his throat open, blood gushing onto the floor. "That was for my cousin you bastard." I growled as I broke his neck. The other man grabbed Valkyrie by her throat, holding a knife to her throat. "Come any closer and I'll kill her." He growled as I raised my gun at him. Valkyrie and I nodded to eachother. "I mean it bitch!" He yelled, I smiled and dropped the gun. "Ok, you win." He chuckled, unaware of my astral projection behind him. "We can ne-" His sentence was cut off by my projection ramming a knife through his skull. "Sorry. I don't negotiate with skum." I growled, making my projection disappear. "We got one more to deal with." Valkyrie said as she rubbed her throat. I nodded to her and followed her to the tallest one, he was laying on his back, gasping for breath. "Hello." Valkyrie cooed, pinning him down. "Fuck. You." He said, his eyes shifting from brown to black. "No, you're not my type darling." She laughed, yanking him by his hair. "We have a message for you to pass on." He raised an eyebrow at her words. "Oh really? And what makes you think I'll pass it on?" She held a glowing orb to his face, "You are not. But your body will." She growled, holding the orb to his skin. He screamed in agony as the words "Rising Revolution" appeared on his skin. Suddenly he fell dead on the floor, she turned and smiled at me. "Grab Nixxy. We got a war to prep for." I nodded to her and wrapped Nixxy's body in a sheet, carrying it out to the car. 


Lucifer himself came to see where Tyler was with his granddaughters. He was a mixture of disgusted and amused when he found his three best dead on the floor. "A war they want, a war they'll get." He growled as he eliminated the bodies. A picture of his daughter's family laid across from the overturned desk. He picked it and examined it between his fingers before burning it too. 

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