Birthday Gift

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"Happy Birthday!" yelled Uncle Thomas. Startled, I almost drop the gift he gave me. I grab it before it hits the ground. "Thanks, Uncle T," I say. I look at the box, wondering what could be inside. I give it a gentle shake. "Thud, thud, thud," bumped the mysterious gift. I felt a nervous, but anxious tingle down my spine. I opened the box and inside was!... a camera?

The feeling of excitement melted down to disappointment. I was never really one to take photos. I smiled a fake smile at my uncle, who clapped his hands and laughed heartily, "I knew you'd like it!" "I knew I would too." I replied. I look the gift up and down, considering it a bit more. It was so small... almost pretty. "Hm," I thought. "Not bad." I suddenly smiled. This time, genuinely.

"Thank you, Uncle Thomas. I love it." He nodded, smile still spread ear to ear. "Well! What're ya waiting for!? Try it out!" He exclaimed. I put the beautiful, intricate lens to my eye. Through the camera lens, I saw my mom standing at the window. I gasp and drop my precious camera and it hit the floor, immediately shattering.

I could almost feel my uncle's sadness. I then feel a hand on my shoulder. "That's ok, ankle-biter. Things break sometimes." "Ok," I reply, not listening to a word he said. Heart pounding in my throat, palms sweating, I stare at the camera that fell from my hands.

"How?" I wonder, "My mom died 11 months ago."

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