Pale Blue Sea

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Miss April walked up to me, temporarily putting her duster down. "Are you feeling well, sweetheart?" she asked, a concerned look spread across her face. She felt my forehead with the back of her hand. "Yes ma'am," I respond, "I'm fine." She laughed a little, "Then why on Earth would you ask such a ridiculous question?" I pretended to laugh, "It's a little prank I'm pulling. Almost like an experiment to see how people would react." She laughed again and hit me gently on the shoulder. "Oh, you! Silly girl." She went back to her dusting, still laughing quietly over my question.

That's why people were acting so strange. They don't even know they're dead. All they think is that they're having a normal day with friends and family. Then how come that girl knew where she was? This is waaay too trippy.

"Thank you for the lemonade, Miss April. I guess I'll be going home now," I said as I stood up. "Alright deary, you be careful." She chuckled. I made my way to the door. "It was nice meeting you," I tossed over my shoulder. "You too!" I heard her call back. I stepped out onto the porch into the sunlight.

I guess it's time for me to head home. I take the camera out of my purse and look through.

I automatically arrive in my room, and I remember I never really went anywhere. 'I guess I could wait on Uncle T to get back.'

For about 30 minutes, I sat worrying about Uncle Thomas. 'Where could he have gone that was so important he couldn't tell me?' I remember that he was crying earlier. I feel concern wash over me, and I try to calm myself down. "Where are you Uncle Thomas?" I ask to myself softly.

I peered through the window. Uncle Thomas made his way slowly up the steps, looking dog-tired.

I squeal in excitement and run into my uncle's arms as soon as he walks through the door. "Uncle Thomas!" I yell, flinging myself towards him. He pats my head gently, asking what's wrong.

I was so excited, I let it spill out. "I was worried because I didn't know why you were cry-" I stopped myself. Crap.

I started to stutter uncontrollably in embarrassment. Uncle T calmed me down, and said it was okay. I breathed a sigh of relief. 'So he doesn't mind.' I smile. Oh! I forgot my omelet.

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Uncle T was in the kitchen finishing my omelet, and I sat in my room, thinking about what happened. The spirits don't know that they've moved on, and it would probably be best if I didn't tell them. Okay, I need to get this straightened out as soon as I possibly can.

The Next Day...

I already ate breakfast, and I was anxious to get my hands on some information. I had my camera in my purse, ready to leave. Uncle T said he had somewhere to go, and that I needed to stay here until he got back, but what harm would it do if I only left for a few minutes?

I make sure Uncle T was nowhere in the house before I bolt outside and take off running. I have to get there and back before he gets home. This is going to be a challenge.

I rounded the corner to the cupcake store, hiding under every window to make sure Uncle T didn't see me. I put my feet first through the cat door, and slid down the entrance. After my short slide down, I glance around the room for the Prince. He's not here. As I was about to let out the loudest, most annoyed groan known to man, I heard voices coming from the gift shop.

"She'll be fine as long as she doesn't use the camera too much."

I gasp. Were they talking about me? I make my way closer to the door, making sure not to make any sounds. The voices were more clear now.

"Why didn't you tell me this before?!" I heard a gruff voice say. It sounded familiar somehow.

I hear a giggle. 'That must be the Prince then,' I think, 'but who is the other man?' I stay silent in my thoughts.

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