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I open my eyes after my extremely enjoyable night of sleep. It had been a while since I was able to relax like this. I sat up, rubbing my eyes and forcing them to focus. A glance at my dresser reminded me that I had a camera that could teleport myself into another world. It was an amazing thought that I had this sort of power in my hands. I can't help but wonder if I deserve it though.

I climb out of bed, and grab my clothes out of my closet. While I showered, I realized that I had to talk to that man. He hadn't been there yesterday, but I'm hoping he'll be there today. I dry myself off quickly, get dressed, and head downstairs.

Of course, breakfast sat waiting at the table along with my uncle. I guess today he wasn't distracted by technology or reading. He sat eating quietly, concentrating on his breakfast more than he did me at the moment. It must have been really good.

He made omelets today, so he was most-likely having a good time right now. He'd always been one to like eggs- especially if those eggs were in the form of an omelet. I sat down in front of him silently, trying my best not to interrupt his "quiet time."

"Good morning, Layla," he says. I gasp, a little disappointed in my bothering him. "Morning," I reply. I scoot my chair up, listening to it screech against the hardwood floor.

The omelet is Really pretty. Fresh parsley sprinkled perfectly on top, and the smell of eggs and bacon finds its way to my nose. It must have pork on the inside or something. I waft the smell towards me once again, catching a slight whiff of salt and pepper. It looks perfect. Finally, I pick up the beautiful creation in my hands. Steam escapes from the top, and joy creeps its way to my heart. Nothing like a good breakfast to start the day. My mouth practically watering, I prepare to take a bite.

Uncle T suddenly jumps up from the table, and bumps it. It hits my elbow and knocks the omelet out of my hands as soon as I taste it. I reach out desperately to catch it, but I can do nothing but watch. Everything went in slow motion. My breakfast fell to the floor, bouncing in resistance as it hit the ground. I stare speechless, eyes wide.

I... dropped it.

I feel like crying. Tears threatened to fall, and I felt heartbroken. Yes, over an omelet. Uncle T, realizing what he had so wrongfully done, apologized. "I'm so sorry!" he begins, "I didn't notice I did that." He reaches for my breakfast that sat on the floor.

I whimper. Then I sigh. "That's fine, Uncle Thomas. I wasn't hungry anyway." He shook his head, "I'll make you another one, ok?" I nodded in agreement, struggling to keep a calm face. I was about an inch from squealing, I was so happy.

I stood from my seat, allowing my uncle room to pick up my omelet he knocked over.

I stood silently, and thought about telling him what's been happening. I opened my mouth, but I don't think I should... yet. He probably wouldn't believe me anyway, and I don't have time for a visit over to the insane asylum. I closed my mouth again. After he picked up the mess, he sighed. He rests his hand on my shoulder, looking weary for some odd reason. "Are you alright?" he asked me.

A serious look spread across his dark-skinned face. To be honest, he was scaring me a little. I really wish I could see his eyes to read him, I have a feeling that wouldn't happen though. He wasn't a small man, and he wasn't a body builder either, but his shades gave him almost a "body guard" look, which made me nervous.

I really wish I could look him in the eyes and tell him, "I'm ok, now. I have all I need."

"I'm fine, don't worry," I smile. He looks into my eyes carefully. I look into his. He needs to know that as long as I have my camera, I'll be fine, but I can't do that. He lets my shoulder go, and walks to the refrigerator to get the eggs.

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