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After a while, I reached the Prince's home next to Cupcake Palace. I slide down through the cat door he set up, watching the stars fly past my head.

The velvet pillow on the bottom cushions my fall. I guess this is an upgrade from the concrete floor that used to greet you.

Looking the place up and down, I remember all the things that happened here, mostly things I do not wish to talk about. Spells he cast here ran through my mind, but I quickly banished them. They weren't meant for any good.

My familiar surroundings were still just as sickening as they were 11 months ago. I resisted the urge to get sick looking at all the absurd objects and body parts that lie around me.

I slowly approach his throne. The throne where I worshiped him; begged him not to take innocent lives. I hear the ruthless "No," followed by the quick, painful death of those he chose to fall. They play through my head like forgotten records. I don't think I could ever forget.

I speed-walk to another area of the shop, deciding to head out front before I really got sick. I bolted through the beads that hung over the door, and it led me into the gift shop. All the disturbing things were gone, so I took a deep breath.

"What brings you here, visitor?" I hear a voice behind me say. I turn around. He should know by now he doesn't scare me anymore.

Standing next to the doorway was the Prince. He leaned casually against the wall, glaring at me and smiling. I frown, but I know I have to stand up straight.

I smile, "Hello, Your Highness." I bow quickly, a flat hand at my chest. "I wanted to speak with you on a matter concerning my niece."


"Yes, Your Highness." I reply, smile still plastered to my face.

"Alright, if you say so," he giggles.

"Good," I frown, "Let's talk."

I walk up to him, not giving him a sideways glance before grabbing his arm tightly and dragging him into the back room.

"H-Hey!" he exclaims, fumbling over his own feet.

"I need you to explain some things to me." I sit him down on the floor, releasing the smooth fabric of his vest. He brushes himself off and laughs, "This isn't like you."

I don't break eye contact as he crosses his legs, getting in a comfortable position. He sighs, still smiling, and looks at me. "Well?"

I bite back a sigh, cross my arms, and start from the beginning.

"You know why I'm here, don't you?"

"Who wouldn't with that pouty face of yours?" he replies with a dramatic frown.

"Why did you give me that camera?"

"Didn't you want it?"

"Not before you showed it to me."

He laughs. "That's a good point."

"So why did you choose me to have it?"

"Well, for one, I wanted a servant. You were desperate, so I chose you," he chuckled. "Second, the camera needed an owner, and it wasn't going to be me."

I consider what he said. I was desperate at the time, but I had just lost my sister. Of course I would choose to see her again. I look down on him. He giggles softly and starts humming to a tune I've never heard before.

I sigh, "Fair enough, but why were you in need of a servant?"

He considers his answer for a moment. "Well, I was lonely. My mother was gone, and I didn't know what to do with myself. I guess that's when I decided to take my anger out on others." He keeps the same smile as he did when he arrived. He didn't look happy though, funny enough.

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