Spirit World

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I knew I shouldn't have. I shouldn't have given her that camera. I look at the stairs going to her room, dread filling my heart. I know what she's done and what she plans to do.

The only reason I gave it to her was because I remember how much she loved her mother, she needed to see her again. I never thought she wouldn't heed the Prince's warning, or my own at that. I'm going to have to check on her...


I look at myself. I feel like I can't move. "What's happening?" I finally get myself together and observe the situation. "Okay, I'm standing outside of my body, and I'm stuck with a ghost." I breathe in through my nostrils and out through my mouth. "Am I dreaming?" I try to pinch my arm, but it goes right through! I gasp, and breathe out slowly. No need to panic, I just need to find out what's going on.

I turn towards the girl. "Who are you?" I ask, watching her rock away on her heels. "She turns her head. Her eyes are puffy from crying, several bags packed underneath from lack of sleep. "Oh!" she exclaims softly. She stands and brushes herself off. "Sorry if I scared you," she speaks quietly, as if she hasn't talked in years. It's that, or she's extremely shy. "That's fine..." I say, looking her over. She's really thin, and her straight black hair rolled over her shoulders and down her back. I couldn't see most of her face because her hair sat over her left eye.

She holds her head down, clasps her hands in front of her, and glares up at me. I don't think she wants to make eye contact, so I look down. "What's your name?" I ask politely. She grins a little, "Angel." She looks up at me, and I suddenly feel bad for her. "Do you know where I am, Angel?"

"I, uhh, don't know. I think we're in the Spitter turd..." I laugh extremely hard, but she spoke so softly that's what I heard. "Somewhere in the Spitter turd?" I repeat. "No," she said giggling softly, "in the Spirit world." The feeling of shock returned, but I can say I was expecting it.

I look at the floor, wondering what I need to do next. I hear something... "footsteps?" I question. They were heavy and slow, so they were a man's. They were coming up the stairs... Uncle Thomas! I realized it wasn't a ghost, but it was my uncle. I need to get back, and fast!

"I gotta go," I say quickly, "bye!" I send her a millisecond long wave, and search for my way out. "Bye," I hear her echo quietly behind me.

I search around my room for ideas. I don't know what to do or what I'm looking for. I decide to try some phrases. "Leave!" I say aloud. I'm still here. "Exit, umm, Return!" Nothing happens. My uncle's footsteps grow closer. I click my heels together, "No place like home?" Of course I still remain in the Spirit world. "Oh, that was stupid," I tell myself.

"Think, think, think!" I say. I entered by looking into the camera, so the exit must be the camera! I look at my body. It felt so surreal, but now's not the time to "sight-see." The camera is still in my hands, well... my other body's hands that is. I touch it, and squeeze my eyes shut. I open them. Nope.

My uncle stands at the door. I snatch my camera from my hands and look through.

"Layla?" he slowly opens the door. I stand there with my camera in my hands. I lower it from my eyes. Just in time. "Yes sir?" I reply, looking over at him. "Are you feeling okay? You look a little... not okay." "I'm fine," I smile. "Okay, how's the camera working for you?" he asks, looking at it. "Good," I say nodding. We stand for a few seconds in awkward silence. "Alright, I'm just checkin' on ya." He closes the door and I breathe a sigh of relief. That was close.

I sit on my bed and relax. I just need to gather my thoughts. Okay, so the camera works, but I don't know how. I have to talk to that weirdo again to get more information on what this camera actually is. There are multiple people I can talk to. According to that girl, I was in the Spirit world. That means my mom was there, just not here. So where is she? More thoughts flood my mind, and I close my eyes. I was really tired. Question after question appears, and in the midst of daydreaming about my mom, I drift off to sleep.

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