Time To Talk

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We were still in the middle of hugging, but I still need to know why this was so important. "Uncle Thomas," I asked into his shoulder.


"What did he really say?" Uncle T let go of me after that question. "There's something about that camera that makes it dangerous. I know you don't understand right now," he glared at the floor. "I actually think it would be better if we talked to the Prince about it. He could explain it better than I could."

"Why him?" Discontent shot through my voice. If anything, I'd rather ask Donald Trump than the Prince. My uncle chuckled softly, scruffling my hair and standing up. "He was just in a bad mood today, he'll be back to normal by tomorrow."

I REALLY didn't want to talk to him. I already felt hatred bubbling up at the thought of him hurting my uncle, but I guess I had to.

He walked over to his chair without saying anything else. He sighed loudly as he leaned back, propping his feet up on the table. I guess he was really tired because it wasn't a few seconds later when I heard soft snoring.

I giggle, sitting down on the couch. A nap didn't seem too bad right now.

I'm in the spirit world, having a nice time drinking lemonade with Ms.April. I decide to tell her a joke I had learned recently.

"So, a woman and her child walk onto a bus. The bus driver looks at the infant, and exclaims, 'Lady! That's the ugliest baby I've ever seen!'"
I giggled, and so did Ms.April. I continued, "Fuming, the lady stomps her way to the back of the bus, wanting to get as far away from that driver as she possibly can. The man back there notices her bad mood, and asks her, 'What's wrong?' 'That bus driver insulted me!' she yelled. 'What?!' he replies, 'That's not right! You go up there and tell him off. Go on, I'll hold your monkey for you.'"

Ms.April burst into a hearty laugh that made me feel happy inside. "Oh my, you are one funny little girl," she says through shaky laughter. I chuckled. "Thanks Ms.April." All of a sudden, I see a black mist form behind her. It was shaped like a person, and in their hand they held a dagger. My mouth opened slightly.

Fear gripped my heart, and for some reason I couldn't form words, but I managed to say at least one sentence. "M-Ms. April..." I stutter, "th-there's something behind you."

She laughed. "What do you mean? I'm not dead." She cocked her head to the side, "I'm not dead." She repeated laughing again, an evil tone rung through her voice.

I got up and ran outside, jumping from the porch and launching myself onto the road. None of the spirits looked happy anymore. They all stood huddled in groups, watching me run through the street with frowns painted across their faces. They were now zombies, flesh rotting and falling apart. Their awful fumes filled the air, making me gag.

I panicked, not sure what to do. All I could hear was my feet pounding the pavement and my heavy breathing as I charged down the vacant highway. I finally escaped them.

After a few minutes of running, everything was black, and a wispy fog surrounded me. I searched for something, someone. It was so lonely here. I sat on the cold ground, hugging my knees to my chest. Tears streaked down my cheeks.

"Why are you crying, little one?" A familiar voice chuckled from above me. I looked up, eyes meeting with the Prince. He let out a roar of a laugh, his eyes glowing- his pink eyes- and an evil smile found its way across his face. "Don't you know you're powerless?" He laughed again.

"You really want to know the truth?" He knelt down beside me and spoke silently in my ear, "The truth is..." I sat listening, heart beating out of my chest. After a few seconds, I realized he had disappeared. I was alone again.

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