Chapter: 5

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"Ooooh, he's gorgeous!" the manger squealed from the back room of the diner where the change rooms were.

"Who?" Daisy and I peeked through the curtain to see who she was talking about while getting ready to start our shift.

"Spikey, jet black hair, green eyes and the most charming smile" the manager drooled.

"Wow" Daisy sighed.

My jaw dropped, this could not be happening. Instead of seeing me walk outside the diner in the uniform, know he's a customer!

"Do you know him?" the manager asked me, noticing my regretful expression.

"No" I lied.

"You sure because he's staring right at you" she continued.

"Ah!" I jumped back behind the curtain.

"How could you interest him? I mean, look at this lifeless hair" Daisy moved away from the curtain and tugged at my hair.

"He goes to my school, just ignore him" I set my hair back into it's bun.

"It's a little hard" Daisy peeked back out the curtain.

"If I can do it, so can you" I said determined, grabbed the silver tray off of the bench and followed the manager into the diner.

I tried to stay focused on my job but my eyes instantly went to Cole. He was staring at me again like he was earlier today in front of Keira but he gave me a smile that was as charming as the manager had described.

I turned on my heel and started serving the customers on the other side of the diner, away from him.

What the hell is he doing here! Why can't he just tell everyone already, this is just cruel!

On my way back to the kitchen, Cole put his hand up to be served, the other two had made themselves scarce so I had to serve him.

"What do you want" I put on my happiest face possible trying not to let him get to me.

"That's no way to serve your customers" he teased.

Grrrr, fine I'll play nice.

"Hello sir, what can I get for you today" I tried.

"That sounded much better but geez, you don't need to put on such a scary face" he panicked.

"Are you actually going to order anything!" I asked.

"I'll just have a coffee " he didn't look at me.

I just stood there. He didn't even say please or thank you.

"Chop, chop!" He clapped his hands than folded them back by his chest.

I marched back into the kitchen, what a pig!

Cole sat there through my entire shift staring at me ordering one cup of coffee until he was the last person left in the café.

"Are you done yet?" I walked over to his table.

"I suppose so" he replied, standing up from his seat.

"Good cause you need to leave, were closing" I shoved him out of the store and he walked away at the sound of the door closing behind him.

"What a waste" Daisy shook her head walking past me on my way to take the trash out again.

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