Is it just you?

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hey bubbys ! ive been at work but im off for the rest of the summer now , yay! i get to double update everyday , ive been watching ig vids and this girl got a helium ballon and went ' i just pooped in ma pants ' i laughed for turdy seven years ok on with the story i just wanted to share that with you , byeee - ashton girl x

Daisy's POV 

" look at that owl " boy said pointing to the elegant bird standing on the branch at the zoo he took me to , 

" look its coming over " i laughed as the owl landed right in front of me 

" would you like to stroke buba?" a lady in green came up to me ,

" is that her name ?" i smiled 

" nah its my penis"

" wut,"

" my penis is called buba but i will be calling you baby " the 'woman winked 

" okay what the fuck is going on ?"

" hey snap out of it " boy said snapping his fingers 

the woman was gone 

" why did you say penis so many times?"  boy  said while laughing 

" stupid day dream , come on lets go i wanna see the wolfs!!" i shouted , wolfs are my favourite animals , they are so beautiful and elegant and mysterious , sometimes any way .

" okay su- oh come on Daisy for god sake wake up!" boy shouted 

" no not again i want to stay , make me stay " i begged boy 

" I'm sorry my love , till next time " boy smiled , and every thing ... blurred , once again 

" DAISY!" my mother shouted in my ear 

" woman I'm up god sake ! what do you want?!!!" i shouted .

" come on were going shopping for new clothes for when you go school " my mother huffed 

" fine god " i sighed , this could have waited till later .

" calum , Andrew , Luke are coming later to do our kitchen , so we need to go now to be ready when they get here " my mum smiled , my face lit up like a Christmas tree , my ( almost ) favourite band is coming to my house once again well there is Micheal who i haven't meet yet and they are looking for a drummer , if only i could play the drums .

* shopping centre * 

2 what about this ?" my mum asked for the 100th time , it was a white see through blouse , it was nice 

" sure mum can we leave now ?" i huffed 

" sure they are gonna be at our house any minuet now so lets go " mum said paying at the till ,


* home * 

* knock knock*

" hey " i smiled at the boys ; calum Luke and Andrew ,

" hiya , so wheres your kitchen lovey ?" Andrew asked , i pointed to the end of the hall , i still need to put my clothes away 

" hiya " i smiled to calum and Luke .

" hello" they both said , i nodded and started heading up stairs .

i put on my music and ' viva la vida ' by cold play came on , love this song 

i picked up all the bags i had ; hollister , primark , forever 21 , tesco ( do Australia have a tesco or?) new look 

, i put it all in my wardrobe , I'm tired ... i might take a nap , i turned off my music and shut my door 

i got into bed and closed my eyes 

" hey ? what are you doing here so early ?" boy asked me poofing out of no where . 

" i wanted to see you " i smiled ,

" he smiled , " come on , i wanna show you something , close your eyes and count to 3 " boy said taking my hands .

" 1.....2....3...." i said 

" open your eyes " boy whispered 

" what?" i whispered , we were at max's grave , tears came to my eyes .

" what ? why ? why are we here boy?" i asked tears falling down my cheeks .

" i didn't choose this , you did this is a dream remember ? you get to choose , you lead us to where your heart belongs , but i want to take his place in your heart , of course he will always be special to you but i want to be special to " boy whispered leaning in then .

" erm? Daisy ? your mums gone out and said we could hang here for a bit and.."

DONE YAY im going starbuckys tomoz :D such a white girl =D well yup tell me whatcha think while i watch whosismaxwell vines see ya!

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