The Last Song

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hiya :) does any one like this book ?:( i feel like crying :'( okay im in tears now ...... please vote and comment what you think ? i PROMISE it does get better , so any way i saw this is us today .... there was so many carrots in the room like i screaming ( legit) and i cried like 10 times and every one was looking at me shall i tell you what i said word for word i legit stood up adn went

" ahem oi bitchs ! thank you ! for you attetion ahem well i would like to say you are all carots i am a REAL directioner you are a loud of fakes ! what was the point of your comiing to watch it if you dont laugh dont cry or scream when your idols are on the screen making there dreams come true ?! huh , i am so proud of these boys and i would like to share this emotion and passion with a loud of my family and friend ( at this point i was in tears ) so before you tell me your my friend then maybe you should actually get the FUCK off your phone start shipping larry and actually become a REAL fan GOOD NIGHT BITCHS !" i have never ran so fast in my life , when i got to my car i was in hyserics there faces like dayum ! hahahhaha i apoligise right now if you saw my emotional break down ..... leggo !


Daisy's POV

" so how far away if your house ?" i asked looking down the moter way .

" oh only down here " Ashton said turning into a drive way , his house was about the same size as mine .

" you have net flix right ? over wise were screwed " i said shutting the car door .

" of course how can you not like i would die without netflix how would i watch 90210 ... not that i do that " Ashton said whilst unlocking the front door , he gestured me inside .

" thank you " i whisperd .

" okay you get it set up and i will grab the snaks " Ashton winked , i nodded flicking threw netflix , intill i came upon ' the last song ' . I smiled to my self and clicked play i paushed it , just as the wax from the candle in the church was falling .

" here ya go " Ashton said giving me a chocalotte bar and a coke .... i dont eat sweets but i guess today will be an exception .

" thanks " i smiled , Ashton put his arm around my shoulders as i pressed play .

" hi ronnie how are you sweet heart?"

" wow" whisperd ronnies dad

" you have no idea " said ronies unamused dad said ,

( a/n yes i will be explaining some of the film since it is my fav film of all time shh sue me !)

ronnie was walking down the pier , the 'fakes' looked at her like she was garbige , ronnie rested on the railing ,

she brought a " hi can i help you ?" " yeah a starberry shake " she said handing over 5 dollars .

" hey will! look out will !!"

will runs into fonnie , ronnia groans while will laughs , he milk shake is spilt on her 

" errr im sorry errrryou okay ??????"

* after the film *

I was in tears ( this may spoil !!!) i cant belive he died and she finnally said he loved him !! she starteted playing but how could will keep that secret !!!!! im hystericall!!

i looked over at Ashton to see one tear slip from his eyes .

" Ahem , that .. erm ahem was a good film , another one ?" Ashton said trying not to cry harder , aww baby , i feel sick i havnt ate choc in years ... shit .

" wheres your bathroom?" i asked getting up frainiclily .

" up stairs go straight down to the left ?" he said , i ran to the where he said and as soon as i got there i puked my stomcach out , there was a knock ast the door .

" hold on !"

But Ashton came in any way , he pulled my hair back and was rubbing my back gently .

" what made you sick ?" he asked soothingly in my ear .

" erm i dont like choclate no no i like it im just not a big fan of it really , it dosnt agree with the stomach ." i said whilst closing the toliet lid and flushing , wipping my mouth with a tissue .

" i better go , erm thanks for having me " i smiled while putting my shoes on once we were down stairs .

" oh erm yeah sure let me grab my keys and i will drive you home " the handsome boy said , i nodded doing my left shoe lace up .

*home *

" i will see you at school on wednesday i guess ?"  Ashton said whilst unlocking the car .

" yeah , wednesday , school , oh yay!" i laughed .

" dont worry you will know me " he smiled but his eyes showed guilt , i looked at him weirdly but nodded , i waved bye and walked into my house .

" hi there Daisy " i heard a voice growl , i turned round .

" oh hey Ashton ?" i said woundering why he looked so angry .

" ITS NOT ASHTON IN THIS WORLD ITS BOY!" ash-bioy screamed while smaking me across there face . i screamed out it pain .

" slut !" boy screamed pushing me infront of a truck .

"ahhhhhhh!!" i screamed sitting up so fast that i went a bit light headed , what the acctual fuckery just happend !!.

* school wednesday *

*beeb beeb  *

" shit " i whisperd whislt rooling out of bed face first " ouch "

i got dressed into a black see threw top with a blank tank under neath and some black skinny skinny jeans ( yes skinny skinny ! like harry styles !!)  i ate some ceral and drank some water and brushed my teeth i kissed my mum on the forehead and ran out the door towards my new car , i started to drive to school .

* at school *

do i seriously have to do this , wait i see bo-ashton , legoo .. i guess .

" hey ashton!" i said tapping his shouler , he looked at me wide eyed .

" do i know you ?"

oh snap! #fucked

done mwahahha 

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