Tip #10: Prepare for the Worst

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What to Remember: Don't change your mind last minute. Also, never borrow clothes from Ashton Irwin.


So I resolved to not be bitter today, just as long as everything won't go wrong.

"Gosh. Any day now."

"Breaking news! A sloth just travelled from Canada to China ."

"Just hurry up."

"It's already my eightieth birthday."

The four people impatiently waiting outside began to fuss over me "leisurely taking my time" to do the simple task I was asked to do.

"I--uh--just have to put my other leg in the pants! Almost done!"

I rushed to get the suit Allison gave me from Ashton's closet. It took me a couple of complicated twists and turns for my body to attempt to fit in the pants. I rushed towards the mirror just to check if all the hard work I put into putting those pants on had payed off.

Turns out it didn't and I looked ridiculous. I blamed it on Ashton's derriere. Had it not been for that, the pants wouldn't have been so crumpled at the back. Maybe I needed a Kim Kardashian style butt lift. The more I stared at myself in the mirror, the more I started to think that Ashton had no sense of style, unless...maroon velvet trousers were the in thing now.


"In three, two," Allison counted off which seemed to exhilarate her all the more. "--one! Behold! A new Michael!"

The door was opened and the faces of the four people waiting to see me were exactly how I imagined it to be.

"Woah," gaped Calum.

"I know," Ashton looked at me with the same regard.

"We waited for ten long minutes for..." Candace couldn't continue. Her eyes were fixed intently on me.

"You to be wearing the exact same outfit you were wearing the first time?" Allison finished for her with a whine.

I handed back the suit to Ashton. "I don't know if I'll still need that."

"I understand," replied Ashton. "It was Allison who picked that for me anyway."

If Allison had heard that comment, none of us would hear the end of it. Luckily, she was too focused on what I was wearing, that even Ashton looked relieved.

It took less than a few seconds before Candace opened her mouth again. I sensed that she took the opportunity of Allison looking so starstruck, to speak her mind. "You've got to admit that even though he made us wait, that outfit is actually better than wearing that thing," she pointed at the suit Ashton was holding.

"For the last time, It wasn't my choice," Ashton sulked defensively. "Ok, maybe I found the color choice unique...but doesn't mean I do now!"

"Oh Ashton," Candace smirked.

"So I guess the whole 'I-wear-what-I-want-no-matter-the- occassion' is what you had in mind?" asked Allison once she gained composure.

I gave her a shaky "yes" seeing that if I said more, I might be insulting her since I picked my 'I-wear-what-I-want-no-matter-the-occassion' outfit over the suit she wanted me to wear.

She paused to examine my outfit once more. "Hmm you know what?" she said. "It isn't so bad, really. It's actually the most normal outfit you have."

"What? The others aren't normal?" I asked out of true curiosity. I thought all my clothes looked all right.

"Your jeans aren't so ripped for once, the top of yours, although plain, fits you better than those loose shirts you used to wear. Come to think of it. You used to dress up like a rapper."

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